Raised growths on clients face


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Hi, If anyone can explain, It'd be much appreciated. I had a new client in today for a facial, id say she was in her late fiftis/early suxties and she pointed out to me 2 raised bumps, which i would have classed as moles, with not much pigment in, however, she said she hasnt always had them and they were itchy now and again they were on her upper left cheek and she also had one near her mouth. i suggested she went to her doctor for the gp's opinion, but she was like 'nah i never go to the doctors', she wasn't fusssed really, but is this something normal that happens with age? ive not come across it before.
Im no expert but my mum (mid 60's) has these raised, sometimes ichy flatish bumps. They have a bit of pigment but not much at all, not like a mole more like a slightly crusty scab (sounds lovely doesnt it LOL).

Her doctor has told her they're a type of age spot, she went to him because she was worried about them. She has occassionally scratched one and its come away, it just properly scabs over and then clears up. The Doc told her not to worry about them, but personally I would avoid using anything abrahasive over them, it facial scrub, or AHA creams.

they sound something like a lentigo, but obviously it's impossible to say without seeing it!
Recommend sun block but she really should go to the GP. I have a client who had to have one removed from her nose as it was pre-cancerous tissue that could develop into cancer. :hug: I'm not saying this is the same but that is for the G.P to decide. :hug: If you are not sure don't treat her.
thanks for the replies, actually, i done a google search and came across this: Solar Keratosis
was never taught it at college and not came across it before, so that was interesting.
My Mum has has similiar things that were skin cancers. Anytime I see something on a client I let them know to get it checked. Better to be safe than sorry.

Since you've advised her to go the Dr and she won't, if it turns out to be something serious then it's her own fault for not following up sooner. A lot of people can be complacent with these things.
Recommend sun block but she really should go to the GP. I have a client who had to have one removed from her nose as it was pre-cancerous tissue that could develop into cancer. :hug: I'm not saying this is the same but that is for the G.P to decide. :hug: If you are not sure don't treat her.
yep . my grandad had this to and it too was pre cancerous cells . he had them removed but ocasionally they come back , one was that bad as he left it he had to have skin taken from his leg and used on his face , not nice . its worth ur client def getting checked out.xx

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