Routes nano tip - anyone tried it


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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2015
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United Kingdom
I know they have only recently launched a nano tip range has anyone tried it?

For 150 g (3 packs/1g per strand) and will be (with discount) £121.50.

I have used transform before, but their strands are 0.9 so 18g per pack. Too match the 150g above I would need 9 total packs (162g) which is £153.90.

Quite a big difference to me and the client.

I do not want to jeporadise the quality of hair I am using but as you can see £32.40 is quite a big difference to me and the client.

Can anyone offer any advice?
Is that inclusive of vat, postage, rings?

I would be a bit wary of anyone undercutting Transforms prices as they're already very low!

Routes is a new company so maybe they're selling better quality hair but sacrifice the profit to get more customers? You wouldn't know just comparing prices.

Only way you can really compare the two is to sample the hair. Wear it yourself for 2 months at least and see what happens.
Is it double or single drawn? Compare them to each other as some double drawn is thicker than others but still sold as double drawn.
Is it double or single drawn? Compare them to each other as some double drawn is thicker than others but still sold as double drawn.
The lady has decided she prefers a weave rather than nano anyway now. The hair is double drawn (from what it says on their website).

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