Salon Experience Vs College?


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Jul 12, 2011
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Hi Geeks!

I just wanted to hear everyones opinion on those who qualify from college compared to those who do an apprenticeship??

I have just started an apprenticeship, and wanting to attend college once a week.

I really want to learn the theory side of things and now maybe wondering whether its worth doing it the other way round.. attending college 3 days a week and doing voluntary work in salons for the other 2??

What do you think is best?
To be honest I think you need a bit of both. Theory and salon experience. In Sweden is different as we have salon experience as part of our collages which I find really good.
Apprenticeship..... You will learn more (especially things not in the curriculum, such as hints and tips) I would stick to one day at college and four in salon x
I went to college full time and feel that I know alot more theory than I would of gained in a salon. It's good to know how to do things properly before finding out hints and tips! Whatever way you choose to do it, you always get out exactly what you put in! Some people in my class passé and couldn't cut!
Apprenticeship!! Without a doubt! Just make sure u get a job in a salon that will do training nights and not just use u as an underpaid cleaner and tea lady.. U accept a lower wage and do the dogs body jobs in exchange for knowledge! U learn the science of hairdressing at college.. But u can't gain creativity and flair from a textbook! Good luck! :)
Apprenticeship!! Without a doubt! Just make sure u get a job in a salon that will do training nights and not just use u as an underpaid cleaner and tea lady.. U accept a lower wage and do the dogs body jobs in exchange for knowledge! U learn the science of hairdressing at college.. But u can't gain creativity and flair from a textbook! Good luck! :)

Totally agree I was doing my level 2 and was teaching someone on their level 3 some tricks etc all because shed gone to college full time, salon experience is so valuable Hun xx
I went to college full time, we had salon classes in there, everything run properly, right down to taking turns on reception, money etc. In salon classes we were doing treatments all day, every day to the vtct standards, it really boosted my confidence in my abilities. Then on Saturdays I worked in a salon, I feel I learned more from college. x
Salon experience totally. You learn so much more that way. Also if you are really passionate about hair you will learn all the theory by researching anyway. I have been hairdressing 17 years but am constantly researching about hair. It's my passion and this shows through to my clients.
I think everyone will stand by what they did and its totally 50/50 but I done an apprenticeship and going from what I seen in my experience when on the odd occasion us apprentices worked with the full time college students we were more rounded we had generally more knowledge, we were faster, we could speak to the clients easier because we amongst the reality of the trade 4-5 days a week. Being a hands on person I'd always opt for this route in whatever i'd choose to do as I feel you can read a million books about a trade but until you actually get out there and try it you'll never really know. Theory can help to perfect a skill but if you haven't attempted it yet how can you perfect it by theory...its a hands on job, perfect it by doing it hands on.

I'd suggest the apprenticeship, its very good life experience and then read up on the theory side on your college days. :)
its a tough one i did full time colege and had a two day a week placement,i found colege taught me more theory than practical...and my salon placement was brilliant teaching me practical and i gained valuable salon experience....if i had the choice again id do apprenticeship....but you do have to get in a good salon or i think your at risk of bein a gloryfied skivvy!x
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and opinions :biggrin: xxx

They have been really useful xxx

We are a provider of beauty apprenticeships, they are the way forward!

The staff at Halls of Ivy all have a background of teaching for both private academies and FE colleges, we all agree that colleges sometimes mass produce therapists, you may be in a larger class therefore may not get as much 1:1 as you would like or need.

Most salon owners will not employee therapists without at least NVQ level 3 or without some form of salon experience.

An apprenticeship gives you the best of both if you are on the right apprenticeship in the right salon job. Are apprenticeships are 1 day attendance at our college in class sizes of 6.

We support students in their job roles throughout the rest of the week and support your employers on how to support you through your learning experience... so you should get a full experience... and either they may keep you on at the end of your apprenticeship or you will be left with a good reference

Good Luck x
Apprenticeship 100%...... I did mine and as long as your in a good salon its worth your weight in gold :lol: I loved it....... and I was so confident in everything I did I went on to open my own salon at 19........ I was running a colum at 16. Xxxx

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