Should I lower my prices?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
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Over the weeks I've seen many threads on here discussing treatment price increases, however I'm seriously considering lowering them.
I appreciate its been a tough time of year for everyone and what with the cold weather this hasn't helped either.
I offer a range of treatments including eyelash extensions, that I have been offering for a year. I think I'm good at them, I have worked very hard to be the best I can at them. I have a number of regular clients and a few that get them done for that special occasion but they really haven't been as popular as I've hoped.
I started off advertising them at £60 then dropped to £40 ( on offer) as only had one client pay that price. Even at £40 people don't want them. Most of my clients that have them get them done with a shellac mani as I then offer them both for £50.
What has made me think is that I've had a lot of enquiries for them but when I reply that they are £40 on offer from £60 i never hear back.
I know there are places in my town that offer sets for £30 but how can this be a full set of individual lashes????
And I'm pretty confident they are not and instead cluster or express.
I have done all the advertising I can, I've been through all the threads on here so its not that I'm not advertising properly but the fact that the enquiries lead to nothing shows that people won't pay that.
I feel that the quality of my work is worth the £40 but if I can't give them away at that then what option do I have really.
I offered them at £20 for one month only and I was obviously really busy but my work, training and products is worth so much more than that, and the only clients I attracted were those that wanted a cheap treatment and I never saw them again.
Please take a look at my work on Facebook:
And hopefully see that my work is of a good standard although I'm always trying to improve.
I love lashing but I just don't seem to be making a return on them.
Has anybody else had this - I live in Canterbury, Kent so maybe it's just not a popular area for lashes?
I'm not a therapist, but I have noticed the cluster lashes are one of the most popular done by the therapist where I am with people coming back month after month, word has spread and even people from other salons come for them now. I think the price helps, and are a great add on service that often get taken while someone has nails or brows.
They are always offered with makeup, and are always shown on packages as an added extra (packages such as hair nails and a tan for £x, or £x with lashes) xoxo
Over the weeks I've seen many threads on here discussing treatment price increases, however I'm seriously considering lowering them.
I appreciate its been a tough time of year for everyone and what with the cold weather this hasn't helped either.
I offer a range of treatments including eyelash extensions, that I have been offering for a year. I think I'm good at them, I have worked very hard to be the best I can at them. I have a number of regular clients and a few that get them done for that special occasion but they really haven't been as popular as I've hoped.
I started off advertising them at £60 then dropped to £40 ( on offer) as only had one client pay that price. Even at £40 people don't want them. Most of my clients that have them get them done with a shellac mani as I then offer them both for £50.
What has made me think is that I've had a lot of enquiries for them but when I reply that they are £40 on offer from £60 i never hear back.
I know there are places in my town that offer sets for £30 but how can this be a full set of individual lashes????
And I'm pretty confident they are not and instead cluster or express.
I have done all the advertising I can, I've been through all the threads on here so its not that I'm not advertising properly but the fact that the enquiries lead to nothing shows that people won't pay that.
I feel that the quality of my work is worth the £40 but if I can't give them away at that then what option do I have really.
I offered them at £20 for one month only and I was obviously really busy but my work, training and products is worth so much more than that, and the only clients I attracted were those that wanted a cheap treatment and I never saw them again.
Please take a look at my work on Facebook:
And hopefully see that my work is of a good standard although I'm always trying to improve.
I love lashing but I just don't seem to be making a return on them.
Has anybody else had this - I live in Canterbury, Kent so maybe it's just not a popular area for lashes?

Price can be reflected on your area,have you researched local prices ?
Round my way its £25 - £40 per set
hi, jus wanted to reply as i live in the area you're based and work in a salon in thanet. i think the prices for lashes around here vary from 60-85 for a full set.i have quite a few regular clients who have happily payed the 85 that we charge for a full set and continue to come fortnighly for their infills religiously! we charge 25.
i think you should keep your prices as you say, i dont think its expensive for our area.and stick with it! i do think its very much word of mouth, 90% of my ladies i do are all friends and came from one person!if people want a good service they will pay for it, i've heard PLENTY of horror stories from my clients about friends etc having cluster lashes done that look awful etc, you get what you pay for! i had a glance at your page and your lashes look lovely!

maybe try a refer a friend or loyalty scheme, perhaps they have say 6 infills and get their 7th free? that way your not selling yourself cheap but its an incentive for the clients to keep their maintenance up!

good luck x
I already have a refer a friend and loyalty scheme, and again most of my clients are word of mouth too but I'm still not busy with them.

I'm trained in cluster lashes as well but find that the glue used is just not strong enough so they come off after 3-5 days ( which they are designed to do obviously) so most ladies arnt prepared to pay for those, although I do know of salons using the semi permanent glue with clusters!!!

I just hope things pick up, especially when I see posts on here of how popular they are when I can't give mine away. Gets a bit gutting :( x
i'm sorry you feel you've tried all routes! try keep positive and hopefully once summer/holidays hit us (if ever!!) people will be looking to get them done more so!
maybe in th mean time do some friends/family as walking adverts, load them up with a few cards to give out when people ask about them! i find it works really well, as you say, word of mouth! people might not be looking to get them done right now, but may have events coming up that they may consider trying them, they'll have your card and then they're hooked! xx
I wouldn't drop your prices, however maybe offer a special deal to try to entice clients to you. However, generally I find special offers don't work at all. Your work looks good and although I don't do lashes, you still need to be paid for your time, skill, training. Do not undersell yourself. Have you worked out our cost per service to see how much you are actually making?

Maybe try and get some marketing ideas rolling , I think Lynne baker has a good thread on marketing your business.

I had a look at your website and one thing I noticed is that the headings are in a funny order. I think I would put the what are eyelash extension page first and perhaps the after care last. Also, I have no idea where your salon is located, whether you are home based, mobile or what? I don't know your name, your qualifications or anything about you. I think you need to sell yourself more on your website. I always like to know a bit about the person/ salon before I call. Perhaps personalise the page a little more and maybe add some client testimonials.

I have liked your facebook page by the way xx
Thank you i will try to stay positive xxx

I was thinking of training in lash perming or lash lift and tint as this seems to be quite popular at the moment.
And quite a good alternative to the maintenance of eyelash extensions which I know can put people off.
Can anyone tell me if this has been popular for them so far and whether the hype is true?
Do you wear them yourself? If not, you should. It gives people something to look at, comment on and lust after.

Do you have any friends you could apply them to? Take before and after pictures and post them on facebook and your website. You could also make a poster with these pictures to put in your salon.

I wouldn't drop your price and i wouldn't keep putting them on a special offer as people might decide that you aren't very good at them, or if they wait they can get it cheaper.

How about advertising them, if you usually go by word of mouth. Perhaps you could target somewhere women will get more dressed up on a regular basis, such as dancers, gymnasts, strip clubs etc xx

Thanks for the feedback.

Web page is a bit disjointed I know.
I created it myself ( I'm new to any computer based stuff) so still playing with the format and layout but thanks for the feedback - always appreciated and I will def change.

Iv been through Lynn's thread several times and done most of her suggestions hence why I'm kind of at my wits end with EE.

Guessing its just hard times and hope will pick u soon. Xx
at this stage you might be better off if you lowered them a bit and once you get busy and build up a good client base and name for yourself then after a time you can start to put them up again.

I had to do this when I started doing enhancements again and I really resented it in the beginning because I felt the same as you but now have accepted that I'm better off this way, I am still considered expensive in my area which in half what you'd get for them around the cities. Bummer but heyho.I get €35 for basic enhancements sets btw. When I think 4-5 years ago I would have got €60 a set.:evil:
I don't do lashes but did recently look into getting mine done. I enquired at 2 local salons and actually decided that when I have the time and money I'm going to book in with the more expensive of the 2. The first is offering a full set for £50 and infills for £25, the other is £62 for a full set and £20 for infills, which means if I have regular infills the second actually works out cheaper in the long run. You didn't mention your infill price but I wondered if that could be a possible reason? x
I wear them myself and get lots of comments but no one seems to want themselves.
I have done pamper evenings, leaflet drops. I put them on my hairdresser. I have done great discounts, offers on Facebook, I'm on twitter, I have 3 web pages. One professional, 2 I'm creating.
Student packages for the University and colleges.
Posters up in gyms.Given them out to all my netball league ladies ( nearly 100 ladies) get my mum to wear them who works at a wealthy school with lots of mums who like to look good. I get her to also give them to all her netball girls and ladies she teaches. Iv given them to all the teachers I know to put in staff rooms. I contacted all the local clubs, tennis clubs, ladues clubs etc etc I could to offer vouchers to raffles, Xmas draws etc. put leaflets in all the local shops - and all that to mention a few so I'm pretty exhausted now and a bit fed up lol!
Infill price was £30 but now £20.

I just don't understand that most people seem to be happy to pay the cheapest price.
Don't get me wrong - if you can get a great set for £20 then good luck but honestly???

Where can you find a good and qualified lash therapist that can offer a full set of individuals for £20/£30.
Even if they can put a full set on in an hour how can they sell their services and training so cheap?

Profit on lashes is still pretty good ie I estimate a set costs me £1.50 ish
But surely you are paying for the training and skill?

Ie - semi permanent makeup - brows for £350 but the actually application cost for the therapist is probably on pounds but you are paying for the skills x
I had a look at your facebook page and your lashes look really good, much more natural looking than some. I think £40 for a full set and £20 for infills is definitely too cheap for the quality of your work! With all the effort you've put in I would expect you to be fully booked , even charging £60 for a full set. You've certainly worked hard enough to deserve it :hug:
Try putting your prices up. Years ago I was charging £25 for a Brazilian and put it up to £40 overnight because I know I do a great wax. Nobody ever quibbles and I'm fully booked. Try it!
I agree with the others, your prices are low for the quality of your work.

I'm in Maidstone Kent, extemely busy with lashes and I charge £65 - £80 with infills from £25. I have clients that travel to me ( one from tidworth!!).

I have however been doing lashes for a few years now and it did take time to build up my reputation. If you can, I would set your prices and just keep plugging away, be too cheap and you will not get the cliental that you want.

There are still plenty of people prepared to pay for a good service. Keep updating your facebook with pictures, offer sets at discount for friends/people that you know can advertise them for you. Make sure your metatags on your website are good so that people searching can find you.

I've just had the busiest most profitable month I've had since starting my business and a large percentage of that was lashes.

Good luck hun xx

Ive shared your page on FB as I have some friends all over the UK might help, might not but its a step!

Your lashes to me look great - Id go to you if I wasn't in Stoke (and I am VERY picky about who does my lashes!)

What I will say is update your facebook page more the last post was on the 6th March I post 3-4 times a day (all scheduled in advance) you dont have to put photos of lashes up put some lash tips up there run a poll whats your favourite mascara etc, who is your ideal customer? Find other local businesses that aim at the same customer base and link up with them on FB etc

Again try what Kim says try putting your prices up it looks like from your FB page you do just lashes - sell the fact you are a specialist :)

Good luck :)
This is going to sound really strange but just think about it. And if anyone else feels the same or has experienced this then please comment.
Sometimes your feelings about your own service somehow comes across in your efforts to drum up custom. I think there can be an air of panic which people somehow pick up on.
I think I felt this way for a while. And I felt it when I read your posts.
Your work is good. You know you're good at what you do.
Relax a little bit and carry on doing just what you're doing but with a different mental approach. Have confidence that your customer base will build it's a slow burn and at some point you'll look back on this hopefully as a distant memory and wonder why was I worried.
I think that quiet confidence in your work somehow comes across and you may find people start aproaching you. Obviously none of us can just sit back and wait and active marketing is necessary but if it feels frantic, I think people sense it and it somehow puts them off.
Is it just me or has anyone else found this?
Thank you every one for your advice, I think sometimes you start to doubt your own abilities, especially when you put your heart and soul into training, being the best you can, promoting your business and then don't get the return expected. I know it's a hard industry at times but I really appreciate all of your advice - that I will be taking on board.
Thanks again everyone xx

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