Spray Tanning Insurance advice for Under 16's


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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to pick your brains for some advice on spray tanning and under 16s.

Will a signed consultation form from the Parent/Guardian be sufficient? (of course a patch test too)

Am I even allowed to spray tan an under 16? I am insured with the Guild if that helps at all.

Any help would be great!

As far as i'm aware as long as parent is at each appointment then its fine to do it. I allow them to come for Tan's once they're over 14 as long as parent is there each time
With questions like these, you should always check with your individual insurers.

Each insurance company has a different policy, so make sure you check what yours actually requires.
With questions like these, you should always check with your individual insurers.

Each insurance company has a different policy, so make sure you check what yours actually requires.

I will call tomorrow and get details, the last time I contacted my insurance company about something they were actually quite rude which does put you off sometimes especially when you are new to the industry.

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