Tag line needed!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2015
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My business name is Emvious Nails. (A play on my name and envious) :p
But I can't think of a tag line to suit my name.
I was thinking of 'make them gelous' ?

Can anything think of anything else? :)
I'd stick with something simple for your tag as you've already used a play on words in your name, maybe professional gel technician or something similar, The idea you had is good if it was vice versa and your name was simple if that makes sense. You only really want one factor that makes people have to think a little with your name and tag otherwise people will just read it get confused and move on.
I personally don't like tag lines. Unless they add anything, don't have one. Also although your name is a fun play on words just remember it will be a nightmare getting people to spell your website right which may accidentally lead them to the competition.
My business name is Emvious Nails. (A play on my name and envious) :p
But I can't think of a tag line to suit my name.
I was thinking of 'make them gelous' ?

Can anything think of anything else? :)
I like that :)
Sorry i agree with with banner penguin ....sometimes when you do a play on words people don't get it instantly and just think you've spelt it wrong ....when you answer the phone and say blah blah emvious nails it still sounds like envious nails so as banner penguin stated you could then be giving your competition your business as they may Google envious nails for instance ....I'd go more for something like

Emvious Nails ....where style is created or Emvious Nails...experience life with colour or Emvious Nails ...life isn't perfect but your nails can be ....

I wouldn't play on words for both ....sorry to be blunt x
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If I had £1 for every time I spell out 'banner penguin' & 'penguin pages' every day I'd of retired by now as I'd be a millionaire! Lol.

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