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Sophia F

Active Member
May 18, 2008
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Hi ladies

I have had quite a few ladies ring me who are ethnic and asked if I do threading. I don't, but would like to. I live in Thatcham, Berkshire and wondered if anyone could recommend a Threading course locally or home tuition.

Many thanks

Sophia x:)
I live in Kingsclere and am looking for a similar course!
I know that Kim Sexton in Hythe, near Southampton, runs them; check out Cottage Training Centre for details. Who knows, we could end up going together and sharing the costs of getting there! It takes about 45 minutes to get there from here.
Hi there

What a coincidence! Certainly sounds like a good plan. Thanks for the information, I'll look them up now, find out the details and get back to you.

Sophia x
Hi again

The last Threading workshop was at The Cottage Training Centre at the end of May and the cost was £130. I'm waiting to see when the next workshop is going to be and I'll will let you know soon as.

Best Wishes

Sophia x
Hey ladies,
I trained with Bharti Vyas (I think that's the address!). She's brilliant, and the training I had was in London...just wondered if it was worth letting you know. Best to shop around, I always say! :)
Thanks for that Bombalurina. Did you get Bharti, or Shailu, training you?
We actually had the benefit of both of them! (Lucky, I know!).
Firstly i have to say i LOVE having my eyebrows threaded and if you can get a good technique going then it would be so worthwhile and an invaluable skill. Near where i live there are soooo many people/salons who do threading but believe me i have at times walked out almost crying after they masachered my eyebrows! I even went to the Bharti Vyas salon in Harrow which was ok (very over priced) until the woman left and the shapes i got from people after that were not so great.

Anyway, to get to the main point, there is a course called Threads and Threading which is based a little further from you but when i enquired a while ago i'm sure she said she travells around to do training too. Details are: 0208 428 6126/ 07940 584255.
Threads & Threading - Home

Worth a try maybe? Good luck and sorry for waffling on a bit! xx :)
thank you!
sounds perfect for me!
It seems to be very popular at the moment but is it actually really any better than waxing and plucking is there as much control and are the effects any better.I have no experience of it at all never even seen it done.Do you hold one end of cotton in the mouth.
Whenever I've had threading on my eyebrows I have been VERY impressed with the result. It does seem far better than waxing in that the line is very precise. The ladies who carried this out all held one end of the cotton in their mouth.
Hi ladies

Funny Gill asked about Threading verses Waxing, I was asking myself the same questions so I checked out Threading on YouTube. You can watch detailed threading procedures and reports on the benefits of it against waxing. Yes it is much more precise, can be much less painful and the cotton only removes the hair as opposed to the wax removing a slight layer of skin and leaving quite a lot of redness initially. Threading is also good for people with skin problems or who are on medication where its left their skin very thin and delicate. Apparently from the vids that I watched the best thread is waxed and comes from abroad, not like your common or garden thread.

Hope this helps and Calla I've emailed The Cottage Training Centre but haven't heard anything yet, what about the Threads and Threading that Lisa suggested, have you run them or shall I? Am definitely up for doing a course, just gotta pin one down!

Sophia xx
Sophia - I'm going to call them today - you have a pm!

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