Hi Guys,
I've been checking out this website and already found it very helpful!
Just wanted to pick your brains to be honest. I am not qualified whatsoever as of yet!
I am currently working as a PA/Administrator (aged 21) earning a brilliant salary but my heart is not in it. I have the beauty bug and am desperate to start training and set up business eventually!
My family and friends think i'm crazy to leave my job as it is so well paid (i recently received a large payrise) as i will be leaving it to earn considerably less money.
You are all very experienced and was just intrigued to find out what your advise would be?
I dont want to live to regret leaving this job and end up struggling for money but love a challenge and think this beauty business would have all the answers!!
Thanks in advance.
Jade xx
I've been checking out this website and already found it very helpful!
Just wanted to pick your brains to be honest. I am not qualified whatsoever as of yet!
I am currently working as a PA/Administrator (aged 21) earning a brilliant salary but my heart is not in it. I have the beauty bug and am desperate to start training and set up business eventually!
My family and friends think i'm crazy to leave my job as it is so well paid (i recently received a large payrise) as i will be leaving it to earn considerably less money.
You are all very experienced and was just intrigued to find out what your advise would be?
I dont want to live to regret leaving this job and end up struggling for money but love a challenge and think this beauty business would have all the answers!!
Thanks in advance.
Jade xx