Training yourself in gel?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Hi i am a newly trained technician and i do have a thousand questions running through my head,but the main one i am looking for a answer to is i have trained in acrylic extentions and wondering how easy is it to train yourself to do gel nails i know there are 2 ways of doing them uv sealing and non but is it easy or do you need to do a course?
Hun I think you already confused your self with the 2 types ;) , its much safer not to train your self but to go to a class and learn gels its not as easy as it looks :) and if you do it the right way then you will have on going support when things go wrong ,
I did an online course for my Gel with a DVD.
BIG MISTAKE. Lots of wasted product figuring out the mistakes I was making on my own.

You would be FAR better off to take a regular course or a 1 to 1 with your educator. You'll save money learning it properly the 1ST TIME around.
Please trust me on this. (and you'll save yourself the heartache by not having dissatisfied clients)
I wish i could do a course all colleges near me just do acrylics i might ask my tutor in nail art if she could show me how to do gels or talk me through it,by the way i did my research but in a learn at home course they say about uv cured gel and there are gels that don't need curing by the lamp so the company says.
You should really get proper product training by a reputable company, It's the only way to go. Try CND, Ezflow, Bio. There are alot out there that do it. DON'T SKIMP ON TRAINING.
I'm a single mum of 3 young kids with not a lot of time i do a evening courses i have done mini/pedi,nail technology(acrylic),now nail art....i have a interview to do level 2 hairdressing which a 2 year course of 2 nights a week not too sure on hours yet will find out once i get in(fingers crossed)
I'm a single mum of 3 young kids with not a lot of time i do a evening courses i have done mini/pedi,nail technology(acrylic),now nail art....

I am a mum of 3 young kids to, one having complex special needs , I'm not single but live in a different country and do not benefit financially ,
As this site is predominantly women you will find many of us here have had to sacrifice a lot for our dreams,
So good on you but dont let it beccome an excuse,

This week alone I went to London, I didn't leave home till 8pm after a full days work at salon and when the kids wear fed , in bed and squared away, got to London at 12ish then in the morning did 2 classes back to back and left,I didn't get home till after 1 am and I still had to get up the a few hours later and do packed lunches , medications & the 3 different school run's and get to work for my 9AM client (I don't drive), I live on an island there really is no where to learn what I need to know here , Do I regret it ? NO I'm already saving my tips for my next classes lol , why ? Cos I learn more in one day with them than I could do in a year at collage!
:THAT is why it is worth going the extra mile!
well i have had a look on the events board on this site and there isn't many gel courses and the ones on there are when i cannot go due one thing or another but i like the look of the minx training.
Not every class is on there , if you call them they may have other dates, and most educators can offer 1 2 1 learning to fit in with our busy life's, :)
thanx for the info mizzy_dizzy as i said in the first post i am newly trained so i don't have a lot of knowledge on anything at the moment only what services i can do.I feel so dumb lloking at some posts on here i have no idea on some of the product you guys are talking about like dashing diva and shellac.i feel like a right newbie in this industry and i know there is a lot more i can learn
Well your in a good place to learn a lot of it :)
You can also learn from other peoples mistakes here to , with out making them your self :)
We are all new at some don't feel bad no one expects you to know it all from the get go that would be silly ,
Its also worth noting .... That most of us here didn't know about shellac or dashing diva before this may !
So there still kinda new to most of us to lol

Shellac was lunched on may 1st this year,
And although dashing diva have been around for a while most of us wear introduced to them around the same time ,

So it just goes to show this industry changes a lot ! Lol x
looking at some of the prices i need to start saving lol
Use the skills and products that you have now to ern the money for the next thing,
As far as what your next thing is that is up to you , I personally would say go for something like shellac, divas or minx ( shellac lol)
Because it takes a lot less time to do and learns, it goes nicely with the manicure and pedicure treatments that you already do , it is becoming huge! And can be charged at a top price as it is a high end product and it will help you to promote your self ,gain new clients ,
well i have seen a minx training day for £20 or free if you buy the kit on the day that i'm thinking of doing,but as i am not doing clients yet i have no income to cover training.but i hope to start getting clients soon,my own family and friends don't even want me to do their nails yet.
Trust me, getting training will help you sooo much. Training yourself will result in wasting your precious product, ruining your brushes, and lots and lots of peeling.
well i have seen a minx training day for £20 or free if you buy the kit on the day that i'm thinking of doing,but as i am not doing clients yet i have no income to cover training.but i hope to start getting clients soon,my own family and friends don't even want me to do their nails yet.

This happened to me, everyone was all for me doing there's until i started training, now no one is intrested in it. I too am a mum, something that seams to of helped me is that i cannot do my own right hand, so i practice on my left, people then comment on how nice it looks but why only 1 hand? I then tell them what i am training in and i have gained 3 clients this way, also in this weather, do tour toes, get some nice sandles on and show them off, people have stoped me in the street and asked me what is on my toes, and where to get it done and again i have told them and got a couple this way too.
Why not concentrate on the skills you already have and making them better rather than adding more at this stage? Especially hairdressing! As you're newly trained I would recommend gaining experience with that level of training first

Good luck
well all my children are in pre school and the youngest only goes 2 days a week so i do not have a chance to set up a business,so i am training in hairdressing as i have alwas wanted to do it and i know it would be a great skill to have.i am thinking once i have finished training in that i will training in makeup so i then can do bridal packages but i know its a lot of work i want to do it.
Good for you for following your dreams.... BUT, to be fair, your training is only the START... Really, so many people come into various aspects of this industry and think it's a SNAP because it's 'only' the beauty industry...'how hard can it be?'... I've had many a student suffer a serious reality check once classes start and they realize there is MUCH more to being a Nail Technician than they thought. In this industry, as already stated... things change quickly, so for that reason alone, ONGOING training is a MUST. As in ANY profession... it takes a great deal of PRACTICE to gain the confidence of a true professional. You don't just wake up one day and say....'I think I'll be a doctor today'! It takes time and dedication....and so does NAIL TECHNOLOGY!... I've heard it said, that until you have done 100 sets of nails... you aren't even CLOSE to feeling comfortable. (One of my students actually kept track of her progress by counting the number of sets she did over the first six months, and agrees it's an accurate statement.) I admire your goal of wanting to be a triple threat with the nails/hairdressing/makeup idea... but honestly, you'll loose what skills you've learned this far if you don't practice them and allow yourself to get GOOD at them before taking on something new. Stick with ONE thing until you feel good about your abilities before putting more on your plate.... you'll just set yourself up for failure if you don't let yourself get good at one thing at a time. The name of the game in this industry is practice, practice, practice! It's great to have goals, but some should be considered 'long term' goals... take your time and do it right! You'll be successful, if you only give yourself the chance. :)
Hi i am a newly trained technician and i do have a thousand questions running through my head,but the main one i am looking for a answer to is i have trained in acrylic extentions and wondering how easy is it to train yourself to do gel nails i know there are 2 ways of doing them uv sealing and non but is it easy or do you need to do a course?

If you don't hold a qualification in gel nails, you will not be insured to offer them. Always make sure you are properly trained in any treatments you wish to offer.

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