Urgent Advice Needed Please - Beauty Couches


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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Carlisle, Cumbria
Hello everyone,

Could anyone please urgently advise me what to look for in a beauty couch. I am opening a salon/beauty rooms next week and need advice about what to specifically to look out for in equipment for the beauty rooms. I am totally confused after looking for hours at various websites. :confused:
I am supplying a couch, a trolley and chair for client and therapist and some storage.

I am not a beautician myself and although I have spoken to the girls who will be renting from me, they seem pretty laid back about equipment. Can anyone advise me what to avoid and what requirements in equipment will definitely be required. Perhaps I am making a fuss but i would like to get what is most appropriate for the girls.

For example, do i go for a couch with or without breather hole? What requirements are definitely needed on a couch that they can't do without and which type of trolley and chairs would be best. I am looking for reasonable quality, mid range if anyone can advise on a brand that would be great.

All advice gratefully received. Many thanks in advance. :eek::confused:
I was told by a lecturer that the correct height for a massage couch is 'groin height'. However that depends on the height of the therapist ! Perhaps you could look at an electric couch, which is hugely beneficial for small clients to get on & off. I think they start about £500.
For me, a breather hole isn't essential. In fact when I have a massage, I don't use it. I prefer a pillow or towel.
Perhaps you should wait & see what your therapist requires regarding chair/ stool etc.
I have 2, i have one in the salon which is a metal frame and electric,
and i have one still in its box under the bed at home which has a wooden frame (thought i may do a bit of mobile work)
i love the metal framed one as all of my larger clients have said how they feel safe on there, it doesn't wobble like the wooden framed ones do.
I would go for a metal framed trolley too and a metal framed chair with vinyl covering for the seats, it makes it so much easier to wipe them down and keep sanitary, hth :hug:
I would go for a hydraulic one, with a face hole. Some clients use the hole, some don't, but at least you have the choice then. I get a real crick in my neck if I have my head turned to one side for two long, which kind of defeats the object of having a massage in the first place.
Hydraulic couches are usually cheaper and just as good as electric ones, plus you don't have a cable across the floor. I'd go for a two section one (where the back lifts up to a sitting position), you do sometimes need to raise it depending on what treatment you're doing.
Thank you both for your advice about couches. What would you recommend for client chairs? I understand that it may be best to have wipe clean ones but what sort; a low comfy chair, a straight back, soft cushion or hard?? What sort of treatments would you do while the client was sitting in the chair? If I knew that perhaps I could better choose what sort of chair to buy. Thanks for any further help.

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