Valentines......Tell us what you've got ! or not got !


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Gel Junkie
Aug 13, 2004
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Hi all

Well i couldnt open the front door for all my cards today:green:


I did get one from the hubby with a very cheesy slushy poem in bless..

I also got some perfume (thanks to rob and angies assistance !)

So ...what did you guys get? Any 'i love you's' in the top of the mash potatoe on tonights shepherds pie :wink2: or anything equally as slushy ?
Just a card for me!

Will do him a nice tea tonight though. :Kissing:
Aw how lovely Amb !

We haven't left the house since Thursday,but Lee did make me a card :lol: which was sweet of him x
I got a soft monkey and a card! Its also our 3rd wedding anniversary!! We're going out to eat tonight!
Aw how lovely Amb !

We haven't left the house since Thursday,but Lee did make me a card :lol: which was sweet of him x

Oh hun - that is lovely! :hug:

Nice to know he still made a effort despite being laid up!
I thought so too Theresa,it's a rose with the stem entwined in a pic of our wedding rings,bless him x

Edit > he'll kill me if he reads this :eek: lol
I thought so too Theresa,it's a rose with the stem entwined in a pic of our wedding rings,bless him x

Edit > he'll kill me if he reads this :eek: lol

Dont worry - I wont tell him! :lol:
Well I have just woke up Tony leaves for work at 5.30 and there on his pillow is a big teddy and a long steam rose not like him (whats he done) lol

Dawnie xxx
Well, it's just the wee hours of Valentine's day here...3:20am Feb. 14, so nothing as of yet...

He was talking about cooking me dinner, but then decided against it, because he cooks for me everyday anyway.

I don't know what's in store, but I'm not one that's picky anyway...I am a firm believer in "It's the thought that counts."
Nothing so far... I'm single this Valentines Day, ya never know the postman has gotta come yet LOL!! :confused: But tonight I am meeting up with a fella I met on Saturday night so who knows hehe! :lol:
Well i am single too - so no valentines cards for me! Although the postman always must think i am popular as is my birthday today - so lots of cards through the post! x
I got a card from hubby.

I got him a card and also ordered some steak and trimmings to be delivered today from asda for dinner tonight.

He thinks he is having home made minced beef n onion pie lol.

Well i am single too - so no valentines cards for me! Although the postman always must think i am popular as is my birthday today - so lots of cards through the post! x

Happy Birthday !

Amb x
My hubby took the day off of work took me out for lunch at a Malaysian restaurant we both like. We then walked around and he came in all the Girly shops and knick knack shops and let me do what I wanted to do and he was very patient and pretended to be very interested in the Mood reeds from Dusk or that wicked top that I liked from a little botique. Bless him he tried very hard. !!!!!
In place of a card I got a flashing heart shape circuit board!

It's cool honest - I dont think my description does it justice! He had to put it together himself ;)
I got a card this morning and we are having a nice meal tonight.
happy birthday jo have a lovely day x
I got.. wait for it...

drum roll please ...........

Sod all!!!
Nothing so far, and tbh, I don't expect anything!! I'm not sure I want anything really, I think Valentine's Day forces people into making a gesture that they should be able to make any time...... and that's not really me making excuses for having a husband that doesn't get me anything!!!!

I've not got him anthing (even a card) so if he comes home with one I'm in trouble!!!!!
i aint got mine yet either :irked: mind you i never have a card in the morning it always happens when he gets home from work :| bloody useless men .. mind you i got him a card but no present yet, lol

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