Very strange thing...


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pinkknailss #Princess
May 21, 2011
Reaction score
South London
So i've been wanting a pedi for quite a while! I was popping out to tescos and I walked past a hair salon that did nails, so i went in and asked if they did pedicures!
The lady (who was sitting there watching tv as it was EMPTY) said yes £25. I think £25 is a bit much but ok no problem I want a pedicure.
I asked can I get it done now? she said you can book in for later (im thinking to myself but i want it now and your empty?!)
I asked when the nail lady was in and she told me I can do it but you need to book in for later.

I made my excuses and left, she lost a new customer in a empty salon!
Was there a reason for her sillyness or was she just a idiot?
Watching telly! Flipping heck, no excuse but I would say she could have been waiting for the next client who may have been due in at any minute, so unable to fit you in.

If this was the case she could have explained.

from Debbie's HTC Sense
Could be she had a client due, and knew she would not have time to do your pedicure.

However it would have been more sensible to say something like "Sorry I have a client due shortly, but I can book you in for later today"
I'm not defending her but maybe she had an apt. coming in a bit... If not, then there was no reason to NOT do you, then.

I wouldn't go back!
Lol that reminds of the salon on the tv programme Benidorm, people walk in when he's empty (he always is) and he says hes too busy! :)
She could have been waiting on her next client. I get this all the time a client and asks for a treatment i say i cant do it now and then they say but your not doing anything. When in fact my next client is due in 15mins so not enough time to do the treatment they want.

Or she could be on her lunch and they dont have a staff room and she dosent get paid her lunch breaks. And her next gap isnt untill 4 and by then she will be really hungry. Iv been on lunch before and stil had to man the desk and phone. X

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Was the telly a reception tell playing music chanels or some thing if so then you cant help but let your eyes wonder over to it if not busy but she shouldnt have been sitting thei watching a programe. I would think she had a reason to not do you people dont just turn business away for no reason unless she is a lazy member of staff that dosent care about their job. X

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Got to agree ! This has happened lots of times in my salon ( - the t.v watching ) and it's 5 mins to the hour and all my staff r waiting for their clients due in 5 mins.
They have had a lot of abuse so I have to keep reminding them how bad it looks to the client and always explain why they can't do the service right now.
she might of had an appointment, but maybe she was entiltled to a break?! jeez i hate it when i have a barely 30sec break and someone comes in, il try and squeeze them in somewhere with someone.....Maybe the lady needs to work on her communication, but i would give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she was alone....who knows... Go back and see if the accomadate you. xoxo
So i've been wanting a pedi for quite a while! I was popping out to tescos and I walked past a hair salon that did nails, so i went in and asked if they did pedicures!
The lady (who was sitting there watching tv as it was EMPTY) said yes £25. I think £25 is a bit much but ok no problem I want a pedicure.
I asked can I get it done now? she said you can book in for later (im thinking to myself but i want it now and your empty?!)
I asked when the nail lady was in and she told me I can do it but you need to book in for later.

I made my excuses and left, she lost a new customer in a empty salon!
Was there a reason for her sillyness or was she just a idiot?

Maybe she was waiting for a client, or having her lunch break. Also when I have a appointment, I like to be ready and make sure everything is all set up.

Also what sort of pedicure was it? I'm £10, £15, £20, £27 ... Depending on what you want. And I'm cheap compared to my local salons lol.
She may well have been waiting on her next client, but there's no need for such poor customer service. OP could've been retained as a customer in so many ways, but then I wonder what the actual service would've been like. :/

Did you go elsewhere or just not bother at all?
I didnt bother, I still need a pedicure! ahhhh lol
This used to happen to me ALL the time.
Although I wasn't watching tv lol.
I was at reception with an empty salon and someone would ask for a treatment and I would explain that I'm waiting on a client and they were due in five minutes.
They still looked at me like I was crazy lol.
Pinknails, where are you in the country? (I'm on my mobile and can't look!:) ) I'm sure someone on here would be more than willing to give you a pedicure! I also agree with everyone else, she could have been waiting for a client or on a break but it's bad customer service to be seen watching tv or to not be polite and explain why you are unable to accommodate right now and insisting on booking for later. That's just plain bad business.
I agree with the other replies about waiting for the next client or dinner break. I think its a bit harsh calling her an idiot! Lol! There could be a million reasons why she couldn't do it!!

It drives me nuts when people come in demanding an apt there an then! "Can't you just do it really quick" " it will only take 5 mins" I've heard al sorts of pleas!! You have to think about set up time, time for apt etc.
Same thing happened to me too, a lady told me to back after half an hour and when I did there was a guy there to do my pedicure.. So it might be that she would have called some one else to do it

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I agree with the other replies about waiting for the next client or dinner break. I think its a bit harsh calling her an idiot! Lol! There could be a million reasons why she couldn't do it!!

There are indeed many reasons why she couldn't do it. But she is still an idiot for not explaining in conversation that she had another client due in (or whatever), which would have still seemed professional . . . as it is, look at the impression she has left with this lady (and she ain't going back or recommending either).

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