Was my acrylic course a scam?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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So i did abit of reserch into doing an acrylic nail corse. there was a college one. but was only a 1 day corse. which to me i thought was way to little to be able to learn. so i did some reaserch into an A.S.P corse with sallys. The ladys instore told me id recieve a diploma in nail tencholagy and which will be a nationally recognised qualification. So i thought great! the corse was 4 days long. 2 days with 2 weeks practise time inbetween then the final 2 days.

The things outlined in the corse wernt all covered. like for example we was told we would being leanrning how to apply white acrylic for tips as well as pink and be learning how to do sculpting. But she only taught us how to use the pink acrylic. she basically red through a manual which i feel i could of done myself!.....then we had to practise picking up beads on couch roll.

we wernt shown correct removel of tips like stated we was only told how to do it. we also was only shown a 5-10 min demonstration of applying a white tip and white acrylic.

and i actually had to ask to be shown a sculpting demonstration. So day 4 was test which i sucsessfully passed. admitedly i wasnt all the confident after i had completed the corse and still feel i could be at the same level i am now had i have just practised alone. Only benifit would be me learning the anatomy side of things and contra indications etc.

I then recieved my certificate the other day was very very dissapointed with it. I seriously could of printed it myself it looks like large advertisement for A.S.P not a certificate, no badges at the bottom. no hollogram no mention of a diploma it just simply states i completed an asp traning course and has training certificate on it.

I chose this corse over a college one as i was told it would be a recognised qualification and i would be a qualified nail technicion. I am just realy disspointed with the whole lot and feel ive wasted the money i paid which was. £260 + vat plus around £150 for all the products i needed.

I will try an upload a pic of my certificate for you all to see. Any feedback would be great ty xxx

So i called sallys customer services today who may i add were quite rude to me she asked my name and i told her and she said you put in a complaint against a atraining course yeah. lol i thought oo i must be hot topic of customer services if she new that just from my name lol. any way she responded with. we have 30 days to reply to you. i said i can only go by what trading standerds told me to put and she said wel no we are a buisness and we have 30 days. the information is going in the right order and being investigated you will be contacted within due corse. all of this very snobby. i said ok i will look forward to your reply and will be in touch again by 30 days if i hear nothing. 3 of the other girls have also sent emails regarding the same thing too. So hopefully something happens.

Oh and also the 4th girl had gone down to sallys a couple of days ago with her certificate and they actually said to her. if youve done a manicure and pedicure then your certificate is a qualification but if you havent then you need to go on a mani/pedi course then u can get the qualification

they honestly make it up as they go along!!.
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heres my certificate xxx
Ah I feel so sorry for you. Is there any way you could complain? You definitely didn't get what you thought you were paying for. I think its disgusting that any company/tutor would provide such training and then hand out diplomas willy nilly. Unfortunately some seem to have more of a focus on financial gain than good quality education and a passion for nails. Can't believe theres so little regulation in this industry, Hopefully someone will be able to give you advice. :hug:
So i did abit of reserch into doing an acrylic nail corse. there was a college one. but was only a 1 day corse. which to me i thought was way to little to be able to learn. so i did some reaserch into an A.S.P corse with sallys. The ladys instore told me id recieve a diploma in nail tencholagy and which will be a nationally recognised qualification. So i thought great! the corse was 4 days long. 2 days with 2 weeks practise time inbetween then the final 2 days.

The things outlined in the corse wernt all covered. like for example we was told we would being leanrning how to apply white acrylic for tips as well as pink and be learning how to do sculpting. But she only taught us how to use the pink acrylic. she basically red through a manual which i feel i could of done myself!.....then we had to practise picking up beads on couch roll.

we wernt shown correct removel of tips like stated we was only told how to do it. we also was only shown a 5-10 min demonstration of applying a white tip and white acrylic and i actually had to ask to be shown a sculpting demonstration. So day 4 was test which i sucsessfully passed. admitedly i wasnt all the confident after i had completed the corse and still feel i could be at the same level i am now had i have just practised alone. Only benifit would be me learning the anatomy side of things and contra indications etc.

I then recieved my certificate the other day was very very dissapointed with it. I seriously could of printed it myself it looks like large advertisement for A.S.P not a certificate, no badges at the bottom. no hollogram no mention of a diploma it just simply states i completed an asp traning course and has training certificate on it.

I chose this corse over a college one as i was told it would be a recognised qualification and i would be a qualified nail technicion. I am just realy disspointed with the whole lot and feel ive wasted the money i paid which was. £260 + vat plus around £150 for all the products i needed.

I will try an upload a pic of my certificate for you all to see. Any feedback would be great ty xxx

Ah hun, I'm sorry.
I had a similar experience with another company who told me incorrect information in the application of Shellac and minx, and I was also really annoyed by the amount of money I had paid for the training I had recieved.

The advice I was given by An*gel and Busybee32 was to take it as experience. This, I know is no help to you now you have spent the money, but you can use what training you haave had as base level and build on that. At least you have found Salongeek and can ask for advice and experiences here (which is what I now do frequently)

I never raised the issue with my training provider as they got half my training right (manicure & pedicures), but just fell down on Shellac and minx.
Maybe you should pass on your comments to the training provider and see what they have to say. At least then you know you have got your point across to then
looking at the certificate tho do you think that can even be classed as a certificate. i did the corse wth 5 other girls 1 is now living in teneriffe and the others all feel the same as i do. the sallys brochere said accredited by the Guids of beauty therapists .....which there is no mention of on that certificate!.

and where does it mention the nationally recogised qualification??

i have called sallys and due to the bank holiday they have said they will call me back tomorrow so i guess we shall see what they say. but i really want my money back i feel like i have done a complete waste of nothing. :-( xx

surely its all false advertisement? x
hey i was in the same situation as yourself not to long ago with a different company. My advice is go to trading standards, after a few letters to the company i trained with, i got my money back without any problems, if you don't get what they advised you would, you can win if you were to take them to court this is all you need to prove and they will pay up without going to court but you need to state this will be your intention! As for you saying you picked them over a college again the place i trained with called themselves an academy and lets say training wise it stands for nothing!!! Don't judge them by what they advise as instead go for there reviews and what others think of them! also always make sure there accredited hope this helps x
hi, i know how you feel i have been there myself, i did a gel overlay course which was one day total rubbish, also got ripped off with the kit. So did an l&p acrylic course few weeks back which was two days, much better training but i no its going to take a long time yet to get perfect. So i'm thinking now of doing a nail course through college just to get everything right in my head and get those little extras on the training.:mad:
thing is tho on the sallys brochere it stated

Accredited by ... The Guilds Of Beauty Therapists ill copy the page and put it here for u guys to see.... xxx

here are the corse details see if you can zoom in some how or save the pic xxx
It does have ABT on the certificate, bottom left corner.

I would definitely complain! That it completely unacceptable for them to give you some wishy washy training x
surely tho it should still have the The guilds on there somewhere?

Would anybody class that as a nationally recognised qualification? xxx
It's accredited by ABT so you can gain insurance if that's your concern.
I think my Main concern was that it stated somewhere i have a qualification. i mean i know alot of it comes with practise. but say for example i practised for the next year and then went to a salon with that certificate. it would state im in training. and im not actuallu a qualified nail technicion. does that make sence?

like it doesnt say diploma or anything i was just expecting something completly different....what were your certificated like who has done an acrylic nail corse xx
I read your certificate to say that you had completed a training course, not that you are training.
I've attached a copy of the ones i got from my provider. The foil at the bottom doesn't look that great in real life.
Are these something like you were expecting?

As it states accredited by ABT, surely they must have ok'd the training package? Maybe the trainers were just rushing it and not giving it the full enthusiasum it needed. Maybe ask ABT what they think it should be like?


  • manicure & pedicure cert- M Pitkin 001.jpg
    manicure & pedicure cert- M Pitkin 001.jpg
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  • Celebrity nails- m Pitkin 001.jpg
    Celebrity nails- m Pitkin 001.jpg
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yup that certificate would be one i was hoping to get, it mentions the word diploma on there which is what i was after, yours also states that you have sucsessfully completed a corse in ( gel etc ) it has who its accredited/Approved by and it also has a foil thing which means that no1 can put it in their scanner and print them selves one.

major jelous of yours lol damn a.s.p!
deffinatly compalin about the standard of training if youre not happy. Clients will happily complian if they did not receive a treatment to the standard it should be so if you have received training that did not meet youre expectations then tell them. It might not necassaraly be the company but just the tutor not knowing their stuff or having a bad day! They need to know feedback on courses they provide otherwise they will think their trainers are doing a good job and if not something needs to be done! I'm sure they wouldnt want bad comments on their courses as this will put other people off booking. So tell them who trained you and what you were expecting and what you got. This way they can rectify any problems.
As far as the qualification goes as previously mentioned it should be accredited but if you are in doubt speak to your insurance provider and they will tell you if the certificate you have gained can be covered by them but I wouldnt worry too much about this.
I hope this helps and that you can enjoy doing nails!
good luck
Sorry to point this out but is successfully been spelt wrong? It's got one 'c' on your certificate? I only noticed it when I was looking at the certificate you uploaded and then when looking at the other certificate from a fellow geek.. If this is a legit certificate how can they be allowed to have spelling errors!
omg your totally right! im so shocked!! i am actually speechles....how can these be credited & nationally recognised qualification certificates if they make such stupid errors....ive just checked with my friend and hers has a spelling mistake too so the obviously all do.

I know some may think im over reacting with the certificate. but its just if i wanted to eventually work in a nail salon i would need the right certificate to show the salon to say im qualified and i havent got that. i will definetly be going to trading standerds if sallys does nothing.

even looking back on the corse. the educator was always on her mobile whilst we was doing what was asked. i remember asking severel questions and each time she would reply with sorry love what did you say....

ok she was a nice lady and everything but we wasnt taught well enough at all......xxx
omg your totally right! im so shocked!! i am actually speechles....how can these be credited & nationally recognised qualification certificates if they make such stupid errors....ive just checked with my friend and hers has a spelling mistake too so the obviously all do.

I know some may think im over reacting with the certificate. but its just if i wanted to eventually work in a nail salon i would need the right certificate to show the salon to say im qualified and i havent got that. i will definetly be going to trading standerds if sallys does nothing.

even looking back on the corse. the educator was always on her mobile whilst we was doing what was asked. i remember asking severel questions and each time she would reply with sorry love what did you say....

ok she was a nice lady and everything but we wasnt taught well enough at all......xxx

I'm sorry to have pointed it out but they can't surely be handing out these certificates with bloody spelling errors, it's so unprofessional and to be honest, with some spare time on my hands I could knock something up very similar, I can even recognise the ms word fonts from a mile off, unbelievable!!
I know that is exactly what i said to my friend, as i do graphic designing on a side line and am quite good with photoshop. I could easily mock up something exactly like that! ....theres no certificate feel about it either its just a glossy piece of photo paper! xx

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