What after care products to use for tans???


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Active Member
Oct 15, 2008
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Hi all

Just had my spray tannin training last week with FB was useful learnt a few things and met some nice people. FB say they insist on clients using oil free shower and moisturiers after their tan because the oils will break up the tan. Is this the case for all spray tanning companies or do different rules apply to different makes. Anyone out there offer any advice???

Many thanks dawn x:green:

id say it was for all companies as ive trained with st tropez and they told me the same thing. i also remember when i had my first ever spray tan , not sure what company the product was from but i put oil in my bath and it went all streaky and the beauty therapist said it was because of the oil!

can i ask where you did your fake bake training im wanting to train with them aswell?

Hiya, I did my Fake Bake spray tan training in September at their Ealing training centre, but I know they've got many sites around the country. If you email [email protected], she'll be able to help you I'm sure. Good luck x
Yes love all spray tan companies advise to avoid any products that contain oil as this will strip the colour
fake bake sell after care products for you to retail to your clients, hth
This is an area where i think many spraytan companies are lacking.
If they have them i think they are too expensive there are many other moisturisers people can buy off the shelf that work just as well without paying maybe £10 or more.

The thing is that spraytanning has become something that people want every week ,not just now and again on special occasions so they do not want to be paying a lot for maintainence.This is also why the price of a tan has come down quite a lot and why people are starting to look around for cheaper options.

Spray tanning has become very competitive especially in the late teens/ twenties market they are the ones clubbing every week,and they are not interested in keeping the tan and paying out for expensive creams, they scrub it off and start again.Also because they want one every week they do not want to pay too much for the actual tan, they look around, but they are consistent.
Hi all,

Not sure whether this is the right thread but here goes. I am a spray tan techie based in Crete. Consequently lots of my clients have olive skin tones (yes, the skin to die for) and take quite dark % solutions very well, in fact demand them! My problem is I will only sell oil free moisturisers in the maintenance packages I retail as my experiences of giving sachets of moisturiser containing DHA has been disastrous. I am very particular and try to leave my regulars with a perfect tan. After two weeks when they come back for their appointment, some of them have been using the top up self tan moisturisers and I end up having to avoid certain areas where I know that if I spray over them, at worst, will turn orange or at best, will be patchy. A nightmare if they have done their hands and feet with this stuff!!!!!!

Yes, they all know the prep routine but sometimes this stuff is harder to get off than my professional solutions!!

I have some holidaymakers and I do advise the moisturising sachets as they are in and out of the sea/pool.

Just wondering whether any of you have come across this problem and what did you suggest to your clients? Am I right in insisting on only oil free moisturiser or is there a product out there which does not contain so much DHA as to endanger my regular clients spray tan?

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