What info should go on a business homepage?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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I am struggling to come up with suitable wording for the homepage of my new website.

I want to keep it brief but have been advised that, to be optimised on Google I should have about 300 words.

I only have 100 words. I'm struggling to pad it out and don't want to waffle!

If I could be given bullet points of the things that SHOULD be included, I'm hoping this will help.

I've already got:
Who I am
What I do
Why I'm great (LOL)

what else?
If putting 300 words would be a real advantage on optimising then you could ad details on products, contact details etc. if it doesn't really make much different keep it at 100 I'd rather read a short snappy to the point page than lots of babble!!! X
Who you are
Where you are
How to contact you
What you offer
Mention that your qualified and insured

I'd say the same as what's already been said- don't worry if you haven't got 300 words, as long as all the above are covered your good to go :)
I am struggling to come up with suitable wording for the homepage of my new website.

I want to keep it brief but have been advised that, to be optimised on Google I should have about 300 words.

The real trick with anything SEO related is bear in mind that Google are basically trying to replicate somebody actually reading it. The 300 word thing isn't necessarily a limit nor a target, it's just that it's a reasonable amount of words to read on a page (at least, that's how I've always read it!).

As far as information, put yourself in the position of your clients and think about what you'd want to know, things like where you are, a brief bit about your business, what kind of services you offer.

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