I really want to try a good Fibreglass, but don't know wich one to get. Does CND have fibreglass system? If not, what is the best available, and why? Super thank u x
From my experience I would say EzFlow as you can have either a spray on activater or a brush on and it has a builder resin which is great for buiding shape to the nail.
hth :hug:
definitely the Backscratchers fibre. i've tried heaps of different ones, and i really think Backscratchers is superior. (and you can use spray on or brush on activator too)
look for one that has a thicker resin available as well as a thin one. this will assist you in creating a better curve in the nails that adds strength and beauty in the finished result.
The truth of the matter is this ............... that resin is resin where wrap systems are concerned and the formula is the same for ALL and so is the activator (apart from the smell). You might get thicker and thinner resins but the formula is the same.
There are very few manufacturers in the whole world who make EC resins and adhesives. Companies buy their systems from those few. It isnot like
L&P where formulations vary so widely between different systems and there are so many variables. Resin is resin. it is not a cross linked polymer which is why you need the fibre in the wrap to give strength and flexibility the strength is not in the resin.
Backscratchers was the original FG system in the world and has stood the test of time for almost 25 years. It is a good solid system. good close weave of fibre .. good silk .. fine resin etc etc. You need to look for these things in the brand you choose.
Having a builder resin in the system is all very well and good but not essential. Many great techs have been working without builder resins for years and years. The whole idea of wraps is that they pretty much give you the shape of the nails that you are wrapping .. one of the reasons they look so natural and not bulky and why certain women are devoted to them.
If you want to build shape then L&P and gel is the better, stronger and easier choice. HTH
So my advice is to go with the brand that fulfills your needs and go with a company whose reputation has been built with wraps as they are the most likely to have the best quality of everything you need to make the best job of it possible.
I've tried a few and am now a devoted backscratchers user. It is a great product less brittle that others I've used and has a smell like cola cubes or so my clients and I have thought since I've used it.
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