Your 3 best facial tips


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Becca Bee

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2008
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Hiya, this is my first post here on Geek, what a fab site, i've learned so much since i've been lurking...

I qualified L2 NVQ in the summer (I did a part time intensive, saturdays course at Aylesbury College), and i just love doing facials.

I'm intending to go mobile, but haven't done much (other than waxing, maincures and make up lessons) mainly because i couldn't afford to set up immediately and then seperated from my partner, and have had to move house and deal with all the crap that comes with divorce, so i'm asking for tips. I have all my equipment now, and a basic range of facial products.

What, in your opinion, are the 3 things you wish someone had told you when you started out doing facials? If you were training students in facials, what would be your 3 "golden rules" for facials?

Thanks so much for sharing your hard won knowledge with me, I am so in awe of so many of you...

Start with a foot wash, this feels amazing before a facial for some reason and then follow with a back massage, to relax the client and get the client used to your touch, also adds value. (I don't do this for peels etc, but for most facials its lovely!)

Use hot towels instead of cold wet sponges!

Stay with the client at all times, When the mask is on perform a head or foot massage or if the client prefers hand and arm massage, but ask your client their preferences first as some clients hate their feet or head being touched!!

Keep the lights low or use candles.

Make sure the room is warm if it feels warm to you, it dosnt mean your client is so ask throughout if there warm/comfortable. Have extra blankets to hand or if you can afford it a heated blanket.

If possible don't lie the client flat, this can cause discomfort during long facials, also use a bolster cushion for their knees!

Include the decollate area! Its so annoying when a therapist stops at the neck.... Your decollate ages quicker than your face so treat here and again the client will get value for money and she will be a client for life. This goes for whatever the facial!

Ask the client if she wants the music on or off, and what artist she prefers, some peopkle get irate with music on especially if its dolphins and they don't like it lol!

Oh theres loads of things that they don't teach you in college. Basically stand out from the crowd because thats what sets you apart from all the other therapists.

Hope this helps

All of the ablove, plus

1. Always do a client consultation. Apart from being essential, it looks professional too.
2. I always make sure that ALL the hair is out of the way (in a disposable cap rather than a headband) as clients are disturbed when hair becomes entangeld in your fingers when I'm performing a scalp massage. The cap serves as protection from creams too.
3. When the mask is on and I've applied cream to the decollete area, I cover the chest and upper arms with a warm towel and tuck it in under the arms. This evokes a cosy and cossetted feeling and clients love it.

HTHs :hug:

Thanks for your great replies, there are some things i could incorporate into my routines, some which i do all ready. I was trained never to leave my client at any part of any treatment, and would have failed assessments had i done so...

Do you mix your masks to skin type (like we're trained in college) or use ready mixed sachets?

Thanks so much for your tips...


Looks like she's going to have to do her body massage and indian head courses too...

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