Hi Geeks
Happy New Year to You All.
I am after a little advice on zone 3 when applying acrylic, i seem to be slowly getting the hang of not going to close to the skin and leaving a small gap but i am now having trouble with it either been to thick and bulky ( and a nightmare when doing infills) or it is to thin and when i start filing/blending the acrylic just seems to come away on this area.
What is the ideal thickness for this area so it is not to thick or to thin.
Happy New Year to You All.
I am after a little advice on zone 3 when applying acrylic, i seem to be slowly getting the hang of not going to close to the skin and leaving a small gap but i am now having trouble with it either been to thick and bulky ( and a nightmare when doing infills) or it is to thin and when i start filing/blending the acrylic just seems to come away on this area.
What is the ideal thickness for this area so it is not to thick or to thin.