Accounts/book keeping


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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hi, i originally set up my business when i was with my partner and the idea was to use his accountant to do the accounts.

we have now separated, and im totally new to all the business side of things. I get the general idea and have just had my letter for doing my tax returns. My question is:

as it is my first year, am i better to go to an accountant to help me, or is online assessment easy enough? i know an accountant will help with getting reductions etc on certain things, but are the savings outweighed by their fee (i think its going to be approx £250)

I havent earnt that much as i just do it part time.

any advice would be gratefully received. x

A book-keeper or accountant should be able to help you do your tax return. I am quite good at the business side, but tax can be confusing and you may miss out on things that you can claim for.


I do know they can save u money, and 250 isn't bad at all, I was quoted 500 and I am yet to break even- so that wasn't an option for me.

I have done it myself, only slightly more confusing cz I am employed aswell-but I have my p60's and tbh its not that hard providing u have kept everything, and have the time available to sit down n get everything in order before u start.

With the online assesment u can do a section and save for later if u have any problems xx
£250 is well below the average for an accountant!

We have one and I can't tell you how much stress is relieved by having him there!

Everything we do or buy gets scanned on my iphone and emailed to him and he sorts it out for us, all for £300 a year!

He's a total godsend and I couldn't see us operating without him.

I could PM you his info if you're not thinking you would be making too much money to see if he could quote you?
I have never even thought of scanning receipts on my phone...what a fab idea.
I have never even thought of scanning receipts on my phone...what a fab idea.


There an app called Camscanner+... It's free and resizes the image etc to make it more legible!

You can then email it to yourself or upload it straight to your computer if you have something like dropbox

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