Adhesive not adhering? and problems blending


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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Hi there I haven't had chance to practice much since I did a couple of nail courses! I was doing my friend a set of gels, and i spent quite a lot of time preping the nails following all my quidlines etc ;) when as i was blending in my half well natural tips, three of them seemed as if they werent quite stuck well enough, and with ease lifted?? any reasons why this may be? could it be the glue i know everything had their use by date really. I've kept everything in the right conditions.

Another problem I encountered was that I couldn't blend the tips with ease as I have before, I was quite please with the first couple of set I did a while ago with natural tips, as when blending time came I had managed to do it well enough so that you couldn't see it (as it should be) but you could still see it when finishing nails with gel? also if i tried to blend them more to try and make them vanish more it obviously took more of the tip away but i find myself in the pickle that the corners of the tip then like the come away easily also (if that makes sense?)
It's just dampened my spirit a little and am worried as a friend who is getting married would like me to practice on her and do them for her wedding, and i dont want to be seeing the same problems again.
Would be greatful for any help.
One issue which didnt happen with this set but has done before is the lifting of the product right next to the cuticles? is that to do with the hydration of the nail plate? I am so thorough on my cuticle removal and nail prep I am not sure what else it could be!

Thanks in advance!

Kaye :eek::rolleyes:
Hi Perhaps you could try creative gel bond. This is awesome for sticking the tips and makes blending easier as there are no bubbles. With the lifting of product near the cuticles are you pressing your product in enough. I used to have this problem a lot but not since I learned to press the product into place properly
It sounds like you need more practise at adhering tips are you using a professional adhesive and are you applying the tips correctly ??? Blending gets easier with practise everyone struggled at first dont beat yourself up.
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If your tips are not adhering well then blending will be a nightmare. In fact they wont blend at all and more than likely fall off or break off. Adhesive does have a shelf life and perhaps it is well past its time for effectiveness.

Causes of Lifting at the eponychium can be:

Product applied to thickly
Product touching the skin
Prep not done thoroughly
Moisture in the nail plate
Improper application

You will have to see which cap fits.

If it has been some time since your class, a refresher would be a good idea rather than struggling so much.
There have been a few Threads over the last few days about tips, blending etc, me being one of them that started one. Geeg is the person to listen to (hope you dont mind me saying that Gigi?) I have bought the Nailclass book that was written by Gigi, it come this morning and is very interesting reading,i'm glad she told me about it and that she decided to do the book. maybe its worth you getting a copy too. <b>Books</b>

HTH. x
hi quick reply , thanks to all have purchased book (cheers caz) so i await it! :) will respond to rest when i can! ta all very muchly!!
Thats ok, its a good read.
Thanks to Gigi.

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