All children learn at different ages


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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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in the night garden

My son who is 4 will be going to School in September, the nursery have written a report to send to school. A lot of it was good stuff but, he has problems with reading and writing. well basically he cant recognize is name yet or read basic words and it's starting to worry me a little.

I know all children learn differently but I noticed something different with him after he had his injections when he was a baby.

He had 2 as normal and the last one in hospital as he was quite poorly with the other two, and he had his last one quite late on he must of been about 18months prior to this he could speak basic words cat dog, but after hed had the last injection it was like he had to learn all over again because of this i didnt get his mmr *** done

Hes such a confident and happy boy im just hoping it is a case of hes a slow learner and nothing more, weve started the eyeQ fish oil supplemtnsand hes having a some food sensetivity testing done next month as ihave noticed a difference in him when he eats certain foods one being cheese. his personality just changes.

Sorry to ramble on but to everyone who is a parent you worry constantly


Angela young

I know it is hard, but try not to worry about your little one. My youngest son George, isn't interested in reading at all and he is in reception. The teachers will aim to bring him inline within others (or above, if the child is clever) and they monitor them continually. If you have any concerns then speak to the school/his teacher, you will feel far better discussing it then wondering what might/will happen.

With George, he is more interested in music, numbers, building - he has a different skill set to his older brother Sam, who is going to be academically minded.

You obviously care for your son, but enjoy him while he is little - they soon grow up :hug:
I wouldn't worry yourself too much right now, he hasn't even started school yet....I had similar issues with one of my boys when he was in year 1, the school really helped and now he's doing ok.

He too was a slow talker, not really interested in reading at all, nursery is nursery and a different kettle of fish to school (2 of mine went to nursery almost full time....eldest went to childminder) all of them are different and I'm sure he will be ok and if you are still worried when he's at school, speak with the teacher, I'm sure that they will be more than happy to help.
Hi Angela,
I'm a Nursery and Primary teacher, with additional training and experience in Support for Learning.
I'd really not worry too much about your son. If he's happy and confident, like you say, and playing appropriately with toys, talking away to you, interacting appropriately with other children, etc he's doing well.
Over the summer I'd say give him lots of experiences
Take him to the park, run around, climb, play football and throwing and catching.
Play with small toys to help develop his fine motor control in his hands (leading to pencil control), e.g. playdough, water play such as pouring, cooking, so he is spooning, stirring, spreading, etc., posting pennies in a piggy bank, picking up little toys, buttons, etc., painting, drawing, crayons, etc., sand play
Read stories to him each night, when he is relaxed and cuddled up in bed. Talk with him about recent photos, getting him to tell you the story about what was happening. Draw his attention to print in the environment, and shop signs, logos, eg McDonalds, P for parking. Talk and listen to him as much as possible, but don't bombard him with talk. Make it at his level and make sure you give him time to respond. Take him out for fun activities, it doesn't need to be costly - free museums, the library (they sometimes do storytelling) , a visit to the early learning centre, a train ride for a few stops, a walk past the fire station to see the engines, making a picnic together, then taking it to the park and feeding the ducks, etc
Play matching games, eg lotto, picture dominoes, memory games (e.g. put out 4 pairs of cards and each person turns over two to see if they match), "Kim's game" put out 3 items, he closes eyes, you hide one item behind your back, he tells what you hid, increasing the number of items as his memory copes. Get him to help around the house, e.g. setting the table, with a "set" of knives, forks and sppons for everone, dusting, washing/drying dishes (maybe a plastic set!), making the beds, etc
Make sure he has opportunities to interact with other - siblings, friends from nursery, children in the playpark, etc
I'm probably telling you all this and you already do it with your little boy, but if so that's great - you are giving him the best possible start for school!
Enjoy your summer, and remember these activities are meant to be fun for BOTH of you!
Marion X

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