Awkward situation


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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Another planet.
Hi Geeks

Found myself in an uncomfortable situation this morning. Whilst chatting to my client this morning about her weekend she told me about a friends ex ruining said friends party by turning up and how he slept with someone that night. The problem is this guy is actually seeing a friend and colleague of mine and I know my friend wasn't around at the weekend so it wasn't her he slept with. My client had no idea so it wasn't said maliciously and I didn't let on that I knew. I really want to tell my friend as I can't stand to see her being hurt but what do I do without revealing how I know?!

Zooks :(

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I know its a difficult situation, but due to client confidentialty I wouldn't say a thing. Whats said in our salon is private, and if you tell your colleague she will want to know who told you. Personally I would keep schtum x
Agree! Don't say a word!
I would also keep quiet and if it comes out later on, I would just say I didn't realise who she was talking about, i was too busy concentrating on the treatment!
I know, I would never dream of passing in anything a client has said which is why I am finding this tough. I just think I'll find it incredibly hard when she comes to me upset as she often does over him. He's such an ass.

I feel so guilty but thankyou ladies.
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Keep schtum! You'll get no thanks for it. :hug:
I understand why everyone else has Said keep it quiet. But... If it was the other way round and she knew wouldn't you want to know? I would definitely want to know if it was me. You don't need to explain how you found out. If she's a colleague she will understand client confidentiality if you just tell her a client mentioned it.
I agree with hard as it may be, .keep to to yourself. Its the messenger who will get shot
That's what I keep feeling if roles were reversed etc

But I do think it's a whole load of trouble I don't want.

I feel like a crappy friend right now!

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If he's an ass and she comes to you upset by him, the relationship might fizzle out anyway, fingers crossed.
I've been in this situation and I kept quiet and I don't regret my decision, as I didn't want to be the one who told her but luckily he came clean himself x
I know, I would never dream of passing in anything a client has said which is why I am finding this tough. I just think I'll find it incredibly hard when she comes to me upset as she often does over him. He's such an ass.

I feel so guilty but thankyou ladies.
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If he's an ass, and she keeps getting upset over him, you could end up in the middle of something horrible. If she keeps forgiving his bad behaviour, chances are she would forgive him this as well, and not thank you for bringing this to her door. Feign ignorance - give him enough rope and eventually he will hang himself, and chances are she'll forgive him yet again and as her friend it will all become quite boring!!!

Also....a few sleeps away from the news and it becomes more distant!

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