Beauty Geeks - what use is Toner?


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funny how people think differently, everyone grasps at the word "moisture", so what is it the first thing you after washing? ..... dry your face.....? I don't dry my face, and when i tone i tone with a small bowl of water with a few ice cubes, it freshens, wakes you up, gets the circulation going and obviously closes pores, this was recommended to me my a dermatologist, not someone trying to sell me products, in fact he recommended me a bare-bones cleanser from a pharmacy and from that day i have never had a problem, i used to suffer from rosea, dermatitis and have to use a cortisone cream almost daily, since changing I've had no problems ( i went to him because i used a dermatitis shampoo on my face ( i figured good enough for my head, good enough for my face, .....which actually accidental gave me a chemical peel) eeeeeew, it was a fright, but alls well and ends well. I "feed" my skin through weekly masks of manuka honey, and of course a decent vitamin moisturiser and try and stay out of the sun
try making you own toner with a little evian water and rose water, or just use an evian spray

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