Bleach bathing


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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Norwich, Norfolk
What are the pros and cons? It's obviously a good quick fix to lighten a few shades but, even with pre-pigging (if necessary), do you find your colours are lasting? Or do you expect it to be your desired shade, or near enough, after a couple of colours? :\
I think bleach baths work IF the client fufils certain criteria.

The hair has to be in tip top condition
You cannot expect the impossible. I.E. Trying to go from a 3/0 to a 9/0
The client is willing to follow a strict aftercare regime.
You don't rush or cut corners. You need to follow a thorough procedure to make sure the target shade sticks.

A common mistake it over lightening. You will most definately run into problems if you are trying to get too many levels of lift, and hitting your target right off the hop. You must go back to the basics, find the underlying pigment of your target shade, and aim for that when removing build up. I watch stylists over-lighten all the time, then all you have done is added more steps and run the risk of a fast fading color,because the hair is overprocessed. Also explaining to your client, that most times, they didnt end up that dark in one shot, therefore removal should be done in a like manner, if you are going to keep the hair in good condition.
A common mistake it over lightening. You will most definately run into problems if you are trying to get too many levels of lift, and hitting your target right off the hop. You must go back to the basics, find the underlying pigment of your target shade, and aim for that when removing build up. I watch stylists over-lighten all the time, then all you have done is added more steps and run the risk of a fast fading color,because the hair is overprocessed. Also explaining to your client, that most times, they didnt end up that dark in one shot, therefore removal should be done in a like manner, if you are going to keep the hair in good condition.

Smashing, Thank you :)

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