Cancelling conversion day


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2004
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Does anyone know how you stand with cancelling a conversion day with CND??
I only booked it this morning but ive been wittling about it all day because,, and i was only told this after ide paid for the day, that i have to do p&w and i cant do them. Never been shown properly. Messed about a bit with them but thats all. Im gonna look stupid if i go. wot shall i do??
For goodness sake go and stop worrying about the class. Yes you have to use P&W but your nails are not judged. It is to show you how to use the product not a nail class. BUT you will have the chance to learn something ... take that chance when you are given it. The educator will be more than glad to help.
When i did my conversion id been doing p & w for just over a year and to be honest with you it would have been much easier if id gone in with no experience of using it. I had to unlearn most things i was doing and that aint

Relax and enjoy it, youl love it....:D and you will learn loads !

Vicky x
nailfairy said:
Does anyone know how you stand with cancelling a conversion day with CND??
I only booked it this morning but ive been wittling about it all day because,, and i was only told this after ide paid for the day, that i have to do p&w and i cant do them. Never been shown properly. Messed about a bit with them but thats all. Im gonna look stupid if i go. wot shall i do??
nailfairy said:
Does anyone know how you stand with cancelling a conversion day with CND??
I only booked it this morning but ive been wittling about it all day because,, and i was only told this after ide paid for the day, that i have to do p&w and i cant do them. Never been shown properly. Messed about a bit with them but thats all. Im gonna look stupid if i go. wot shall i do??

What an excellent opportunity to have a top quality educator show you how and help you to be able to do P&W, I know it can be a bit terrifying but there is no way you will be able to build a 100% successful nail business without being able to do P&W to a decent standard, they don't have to be as good as some of the pics you see in the mags, no-one is expecting you to turn out competition winning nails in your first 5 minutes of the course :) If you are worrying about looking daft, don't! you would be surprised I think if you ask the tutor to go over P&W application how many sighs of relief there will be in the class room! Go for it chick!! You will never learn how to do them if you don't face your fears! If you don't go to this course I'll be round with a big stick to hit you with! :smack: J xx
i ditto all the comment above. when i did my initial training (not CND) we were only taught one HUGE pink bead...that was that! I popped into my nearest academy to talk about doing a conversion, cnd products etc and the lovely anne swain did one of my hands for me so i could judge the products. Just by watching her, the angles of her brush etc etc, i went home and practiced and a couple of weeks later sailed through my conversion. I learnt so much just from watching her a work! I think what Vicky says is so true - i didn't have to unlearn anything. Admittedly i did practice and practice but it worked for me! I keep meaning to book in to have my nails done by someone at MK - would be a treat to have absolutely fantastic nails but also i am enthralled by watching how a total pro does them and feel i can learn loads by watching - only wish i had 20 fingers! The thing to do is make sure you are watching HOW they create the smile line, not the actual nail itself if that makes sense. It's so easy to oh and aah over the finished result but you've gotto know how they did it!
My advice - go for it!!

Did my conversion at MK and was worried sick before I went. I very rarely use l&p coz most of my clients are gel and I felt my p&w's were crap but explained this to Kelly (Swain) and she was brill. It was the best course I had done, so good in fact that I booked on my Brisa conversion there and then (which I have now done)! Once Christmas is out of the way I'm hoping to follow on with my masters classes. When you find a good teacher it makes it all worth while.

Don't cancel just look forward to the experience.

Shaza said:
My advice - go for it!!

Did my conversion at MK and was worried sick before I went. I very rarely use l&p coz most of my clients are gel and I felt my p&w's were crap but explained this to Kelly (Swain) and she was brill. It was the best course I had done, so good in fact that I booked on my Brisa conversion there and then (which I have now done)! Once Christmas is out of the way I'm hoping to follow on with my masters classes. When you find a good teacher it makes it all worth while.

Don't cancel just look forward to the experience.

hi shazza, perhaps we can do our masters together! I need spurring on!
i would def do them at MK - don't think you're that far from me...
Hi Dianne

Sounds good to me - I've pm'd you.

Your dead right you know!! Woke up this morning feeling completely refreshed just dying to get there and have ago!!
You see all these piccies of FANTASTIC!!! nails and just think "I wish i could do that" but i guess in reality the only way im gonna get there is if i get off my backside,, stop making excuses and go for it!:D
Thanx ladies youve made me feel alot more positive
nailfairy said:
Your dead right you know!! Woke up this morning feeling completely refreshed just dying to get there and have ago!!
You see all these piccies of FANTASTIC!!! nails and just think "I wish i could do that" but i guess in reality the only way im gonna get there is if i get off my backside,, stop making excuses and go for it!:D
Thanx ladies youve made me feel alot more positive

great attitude - you'll go far my girl! Enjoy the conversion - you'll love it!

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