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Nov 21, 2007
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Hope someone can help me out here. Tried a product called Ciate at one of the shows earlier this year and am desperately trying to get hold of it to stock it in my salon.

Waiting in anticipation...:grr:
Hi mmm...friuty

Have just ordered a restock of ciate products. The official distributors of Ciate now are "The Beauty Partnership" in Leeds

Hope this helps

Hi, Yes I order my Ciate products through the Beauty Partnership. They are the exclusive UK distributor for Ciate. They are based in Leeds.Tel 0113 2497025. :)
Hope someone can help me out here. Tried a product called Ciate at one of the shows earlier this year and am desperately trying to get hold of it to stock it in my salon.

Waiting in anticipation...:grr:
Vanessa, considering that you and Micheal are posting from the same computer (I won't mention where that computer is :) ), this thread is pretty comical.

If you guys need to play games in order to try and generate some interest in your product lines you are now selling, I would strongly advise you to do it somewhere else. You guys look really lame trying to do it here.

Tell the old Hype gang I send my love. Tell them we are rocking ;)
how comical !:green:

Ciate is groomed, glamorous and it Rocks.....
Ciate is groomed, glamorous and it Rocks.....

Is this from a salon users point of view or a distributors point of view?
Makes you wonder doesnt it, Nina has nothing filled in on her profile either...
I did go to college with the founder of ciates sister and she was telling me all about it, am yet to try it myself but I have to admit the packaging looks really good.
Doesn't mean to say that the product inside is but guess will have to purchase some to try it.
Think it is sad that the reps are on here trying to hype it up and make up ficticious incidents, and hogging others threads too!
MMM fed up of seeing it now!
Ciate is groomed, glamorous and it Rocks.....
Look Nina, Emma, or whatever... nobody is saying otherwise. The problem is that it is considered SPAM to 'covertly' come on here starting threads to try and promote your line.

Here is a thread where you have someone 'asking where they can get brand x'
You then have someone posting saying 'I love it, I get it from x, here is their information'.

When it turns out that those two people having the conversation are doing so from the same computer at the distributor for the brand, it all gets kind of lame doesn't it? I mean, if Vanessa (er, I mean fruity) was in such need of Ciate' for her salon (which doesnt exist) then why didnt she just reach over to the shelf she is selling it off of to stock up? Furthermore, why ask Michael (er, I mean Eliot) via a forum on the web when Michael had to ask her to move off the computer in the first place so he could answer her post?

Your excitement over the brand is great (considering youre with Ciate) as is Emma (which should be great as you are both using the same net connection). We encourage this type of excitement. However what we don't encourage is silly games in a poor attempt to raise your brand profile to the users here.

Check out the geek commandments for more information on this and other common sense issues about this site.
Hi All,

Please note for all readers of this thread – I did not hide my identify, as you will see from the message it cleary says NINA not EMMA.

Yes, I do work for Ciaté I would never hide this as I love it here… I also love the range and want to share my views….

I felt it was appropriate for me to post a message after Samuel sent a message…

Samuel please does not get into a war or a state over this life is to short and to dam good…. After all there is plenty of room for nail brands is the UK market… isn’t there!.

Not sure what you mean by Emma….

God bless ciate
Nina, from time to time, we get people coming on here trying to sell stuff 'covertly'. By covertly, I mean - people trying to pretend they are technicians looking for more info on a particular brand...or people registering multiple profiles posting back and forth to each other (often from the same computer) in a poor attempt to advertise themselves. It's like going to a party with a bunch of paranoid divas who go psychotic because no one is talking about them, therefore they run around trying to... well... talk about themselves.

You have to admit that if this went unchecked, this would be a pretty lame place to come hang out right? A whole bunch of fake profiles talking to each other to try and make it look like their products are 'da bomb' because soooo many people were talking about them :D:D

We have a plethora amount of mechanisms in place to prevent this. But in all honesty, most of the alarms were not needed in the instance of Fruity and Eliot. After all, fruity's home page was the one she was apparently 'struggling' to find :D :D :D

For what it is worth, I'm not in any state except a giggly one. I have laughed more today because of the silliness of this (and the other) thread than I have all week. That says a lot if you know me ;)

As for starting a 'war'.... well... That has made me chuckle too. In fact, a lot. I'm only preventing dorky threads where salesmen were trying to conn professionals.

The reason for the confusion between you and Emma (aka Kelly) is that you are both using the same IP addresses. I am sure that you can understand why I would be confused.

My suggestion is to let this thread go... it will get buried soon enough.

God Bless the Geeks.
OMG I had to laugh as when eliot posted the official distributors are the beauty partnership, I nearly posted again and said even so I would still buy it from beauty express !!!! say no more
Well putting aside of who's who I have to say I love the Ciate packaging(very similar to that of benefit) and I have heard nothing but good reports.But hey I never tried so dont know:green:
this made my evening !!
Haven't been on here for a while , but it has to be said, I got a little giggle out of this thread myself.

Funny thing was, I'd already worked it out before I even got to Sam's post!!! LOL:lol::lol::lol:

So I guess I didn't get suckered in!:smack:

(Please note this is not putting the product itself down in any way, just the way it is trying to be promoted.)
As long as no one got hurt, Sticks & stones etc....

No hards feelings ehh...

Just to clarify that i do use the ciate products at home and on friends and family aswell & have had to restock on my products. NOWHERE in my thread reply did it mention me having a salon..!!!

Eliot xxx

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