CND products and UK resellers


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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2011
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North West
I am right in thinking that Sweet Squared & Ellisons are the only official online retailers of CND branded products and branded Minx products in the Uk ? And other UK sites are not authorised to sell these items ?
Yes hon that is true :)
Hmmm . Does Sweet Squared take any action on sites selling CND/minx products?
This is something I have often wondered too Jackie. It seems these people must buy them from S2 and sell them more expensive, as the sites ive seen have been. One of the sites I seen was selling old bottles of solar oil aswell. I often wonder where they buy them from and they cant be making much money selling them on, so why do they do it? You know? x
Sometimes they are fakes & sometimes they are stolen, a salon near me had their whole stock taken! I think S2 may contact ebayers if they are alerted to the problem especially if the seem to be fakes x
Most of the resellers will definitely not be buying from S2 and reselling, they will be buying from foreign websites.

I am sure S2 do go after the non authorised sellers, including the ebay sellers, but it is a long and expensive legal process.
Oh I didnt think that alot of them could be stolen.

And of course, I can imagine how long it must take them to go through all of hem and then obviously there would be legal procedings :)
I know they definately chase up these illegal sellers.

The last time I saw one on Amazon, I reported it to Sweet Squared and they were gone the next day (the seller was claiming to be "CND Cosmetics"... um, I don't think there is such a company!)

They have a legal team that follows up with these claims. I think it's worth dropping a PM to let them know of ones you run across (** Mrs Geek, if this isn't correct, please let me know!) I hate seeing criminals making a profit, just as I hate seeing professional product being peddled to unsuspecting amateurs.
If Sweet Squared find that a customer is purchasing and re-selling, we close their account immediately.

Sweet Squared have also closed down more than a few EBay sellers. ... Which takes time and resources away from the already fulltime occupation of running a busy business ... But it is important to do it but not an easy process.

Report illegal sites to Samuel Sweet at S2. Intact any dodgy activity that you see, report it. You guys are the eyes and ears in the field as S2 have no time to go hunting for this type of activity. :wink2:

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