Ive just sent my other half out to get me a copy as a message from Kate had shocked me a little.
The Louise mentioned in the main article was me.
It all started with a thread on here. I had offered to help in the form of putting a GOOD story about the correctly trained nail technicians. This has sort of come accross but to the consumer still appears to show that the problems they mention can be caused by any salon as aposed to the NSS.
There were many more things I mentioned such as what makes as NSS an NSS, to look out for products such as Creative, Ezflow, Nsi and young nails etc.
The article is not as bad as some I have seen, it does try to put accross the things to look for in choosing a good salon. All the examples are people who have had bad experiences at salons though, a few good ones would have helped to even out the story and help me better make its point, it makes it sound as if though trying there were no good salons to be found.
The article as a whole had not at all turned out how I had thought it would. Only a handfull of the points I made are actually in the article and even those are not at all written in the way I said them. The only reason I agreed to help with the article was to alter the perception of the customers who thought ALL salons were bad. Had I have known it would come accross as it had I wouldnt have participated. If such a situation comes up again in the future I wont be bothering.