Do some clients find enhancements painful?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2007
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new milton
had a client in for a full set on friday, they were sculpted but still kept at a short length, l+p with a gel top coat. they looked fine and client was happy with them.
had a call today asking if she could have them soaked off, i said of course but asked her what had made her come to that decision, she said, she couldn't get on with them and she said that two of the nails felt as though they were bruised:confused:
This was her first ever set of acrylics, her nails were healthy but a little on the thin side, i used reverse application and there wasn't alot to file away so the nails weren't overworked too much, i have a light hand with them so i don't think the bruised feeling she has mentioned was down to too much pressure, i'm still fairly new to nails so i'm a bit stumped. not sure if its something i have or haven't done?.
I've seen a couple of threads before about shrinkage, but i thought this only occured with gel nails?
any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated as i've not encountered this problem before, thanks in advance:)
Shrinkage can happen with L&P as well! If your mix was slightly wet then the shrinkage can make the nail beds feel sore as though they are bruised. Also the speed at which they cure/set I believe can have an impact!

Depending on how much shrinkage of the product has occurred and how "bruised" they feel - along with pain threshold, then it can take up to a week for the sensation to disappear.

Sometimes, when it is a first set, then the client doesn't know what to expect - I never realised that my nailbeds would hurt the first time I had enhancements - perhaps if I had then I wouldn't have chipped hacked filed try to soak them off - all to the detriment to my nails!!!

Hope you get it sorted out xxx
Call me a cynic LOL but is she asking for any type of refund?

Maybe she just wanted a set of nails for the weekend.

If she is being quite nice about it then I would ignore my post and go with what Debbie has said LOL.
the slightly wet ratio could be the case, i remember a couple of beads which wern't quite big enough so i added a second bead which was slightly wetter so i had a little more time to work it into shape, had no idea that it could cause a problem, can i still charge for the soak off do you think?
Call me a cynic LOL but is she asking for any type of refund?

Maybe she just wanted a set of nails for the weekend.

If she is being quite nice about it then I would ignore my post and go with what Debbie has said LOL.
she hasn't asked for a refund, but i don't know whether she'd expecting to pay for the soak off?:rolleyes:
charge her for the soak off!!!!!
she hasn't asked for a refund, but i don't know whether she'd expecting to pay for the soak off?:rolleyes:
I think she should pay for the soak off after all it is your time and materials. I would say that it will be x before you start. I always do a mini manicure as part of this service and add lashings of solar oil to the nails:)
she hasn't asked for a refund, but i don't know whether she'd expecting to pay for the soak off?:rolleyes:

I think she should pay for the soak off really.

However, if she books other treatments with you, or you like her, or you think she might book other treatments at some stage, I would, just this once, soak off free of charge. But don't refund the cost of the nails.

If you make it clear she is expected to pay for the soak-off, but she then won't book for it because she thinks it should be free, you a) have a peed off client who won't re-book for anything else b) run the risk of her telling other people her version of events and c) you pretty much know she's going to pick the damn things off, leaving her nails a right mess and blaming YOU for it.

I'm probably a bit of a sucker but if it was me, for the sake of goodwill and leaving a client with a nice taste in the mouth instead of a sour one, I would probably soak off for nothing:rolleyes: . This is why I'll never be rich lol!

Good luck with her hun xx let us know how you get on
thanks for your replies guys, she's booked for wednesday morning, i'm hoping that by then she may well have got used to them and i can talk to her a bit more about them, as i'm still fairly new to nails i'm still a bit precious about it, take it all very personally, so feel a bit upset that she wants them removed when i worked hard to put them on, silly really but better that than not caring i suppose, i'll keep you posted to how it goes, still i did a lovely set on a lady today and she was over the moon so something to smile about there x
My ring finger, left had only (v odd) always feel a bit tender after a new full set but the sensation goes after 48 hours....hopefully she will have changed her mind by Weds!

This can happen with clients first set, they can be quite bruised feeling for the first few days, it does settle.

Shrinkage can happen with L&P as well! If your mix was slightly wet then the shrinkage can make the nail beds feel sore as though they are bruised. Also the speed at which they cure/set I believe can have an impact!

Depending on how much shrinkage of the product has occurred and how "bruised" they feel - along with pain threshold, then it can take up to a week for the sensation to disappear.
All of the above!!!!

Also I have had this happen to my own nails and it was from working to wet, after about 3 days all of my nails felt fine, and there was no brusing but man it felt like there was!!
Also this pain can occur if the client has flat nails and you put a tip
on that has a deep c-curve, I dont use deep c-curve tips at all any more
because I experianced way to many problems with them.If my client has flat nails I dont use tips what so ever, I sculpt them.
All of the above!!!!

Also I have had this happen to my own nails and it was from working to wet, after about 3 days all of my nails felt fine, and there was no brusing but man it felt like there was!!
Also this pain can occur if the client has flat nails and you put a tip
on that has a deep c-curve, I dont use deep c-curve tips at all any more
because I experianced way to many problems with them.If my client has flat nails I dont use tips what so ever, I sculpt them.
That's a very good point - forgot about that one!
I have had people say thier nails ache that night but it doesnt last.

Personally I find enhancements ridiculously uncomfatable its like having aliens on my fingers :lol: They are not painful though. I have no idea if its just because Im at college and the girls doing them are just not that good or wether I just dont like them.

the client did have rather flat nail beds but i don't generally use tips, i prefer sculpting, i'm really hoping she has changed her mind and that the discomfort has stopped by tommorow.
the client did have rather flat nail beds but i don't generally use tips, i prefer sculpting, i'm really hoping she has changed her mind and that the discomfort has stopped by tommorow.
Do you squeeze the sculpts to put a lovely C-Curve in them? Once I squeezed too much when I did my own nails and they were quite sore for a few days.
with this client i decided not to, i usually use a youngs magic wand but as she was keeping them quite short and because her nail bed were flat i didn't this time

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