Do you slow down for horses?


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I certainly do, I got thrown off mine when an impatient bus driver beeped his horn behind me, I was dragged over the road with my foot caught in the stirrup. A car who thankfully managed to stop in time was being driven by a doctor who said he was surprised I was still concious. I broke my arm, dislocated my shoulder and cracked 4 ribs not to mention numerous cuts and bruises. To my credit, I feel, I managed to get up, cross the road get ont he bus and give the driver a very offensive piece of my mind!
i would always slow right down while passing horses,or any other living being!
it discusts me this,why the hell would she have been driving at that speed anyway ..the national speed limit is there yes ,but only if it is safe to do so,which in this case it obviously wasnt,
my male friend the other day was saying i am a too cautious driver (i only passed last week)
but i dont think i am,im just being prepared and safe as taught on my lessons,there is nooooo way i would drive faster than what feels safe to me.
even the other night,i was driving down our road,speed bumps ect...and the car behind full of young lads,was beeping at me and shouting obcenities at me to go faster,i just thought "SOD OFF"(had my 2 kids in the car too!!!) i stuck to the speed i was driving as it felt safe to me,
give my luv to all involved im so sorry hun :hug:
Terrible story, i have to ride on a very busy road to get from my house to the quiet lanes, i find the lorry drivers are excellent, the worst people are usually driving 4 wheel drive vehicles and hurtle past giving me about 1 foot space, thankfully my horse is fantastic in traffic but you can never be complacent as after all he is an animal.

I also found those flippin england flags flapping on car windows were a pain, they are just in the horses eye view and make a scary noise too.

Ive even had a young girl blast her horn at me when she drove past! amazing isnt it!! People forget that horses were using the roads long before cars were even invented !
I always thought it was law to slow down for horses... i always have if not i stop and let the horse pass me then when at a safe distance and pull away slowly as to not scare the horse....
what a horrible thing to happen amy, i too have seen many horses 'spooked' by traffic, i live in the country and always slow right down for them, i was driving behind one once, the rider has lost control and the horse was going everywhere , i felt so sorry for the girl but she just couldn't handle him , silly me was sat in the car scared to get out !!!
i hope your friend is ok amy, hopefully the kid who did it will be sorry and think a little !! i always thorght horses had the right of way on our roads anyway ..
I dont drive but we always slow down and if we have to wait to be able to pull around them we drop right back so as not to spook them. On motorcycles over the years we've dropped them to tickover and freewheeled past if they are noisy.
AmydeMan said:
Drives me nuts when cars do that. Drives me even more nuts when you see a car approaching at speed and wave your arm up and down slowly (the recognised signal for asking vehicles to please slow down) and they just 'wave' back at you, totally taking the mick, and continue to razz past and put you in the hedge.

Thankyou Hannah, Caroline, Tars and Mandy for your replies, I couldn't post about what happened straight away because I was crying everytime I thought about it....

I always slow for horses, and now I live in the country, I come across horses on the road nearly every day.
I am an huge animal lover, big or small, and I dont want the poor horse to get frightened cos of me, or the rider hurt!

That waving your arm up and down, I didnt know thats what it means, and I bet many drivers dont.. but if it was ever done to me, I suppose I would work it out that I had to slow down, however, some people are just stupid, and others are just plain ignorant! :irked:

Your story is sad. It aggravates me to think that innocent animals lose their lives to careless human actions! :cry:
It makes me so sad and angry to hear of accidents like this that so easily can be avoided by using just a little bit of common sense.

I live out in the country with single track lanes and countless times I have rounded a blind bend (at a very cautious speed) to find some idiot tearing round the bend towards me only just managing to stop inches from my front bumper. Whenever this happens I always think what if I had been on a horse or pushbike, or what if I had been taking a child for a walk in a pushchair - all of which I see very often out on our roads and all of which the other driver would probably not have seen until it was too late.

When I meet a horse I always stop until the rider passes me or until they pull the horse over and indicate that I can pass them.
I always slow down for horses as they scare the bloody life out of me, one went nuts once when being ridden through an industrial estate (not the best place to take a horse) and was coming straight for me and my pushchair, the silly moo on the horse chasing it was yelling at me "get out of the f****** way" duh brick wall one side main road the other!!!:irked:
I nearly took the whip off her and showed her how I would use it (on her)!!:mad:
It must be so heartbreaking for your friend, but I'm glad she is okay.

It's my worst fear when riding out and the lanes round us are getting busier and busier, people use them as a cut through and then get really put out when they meet horses and tractors, I mean what a surprise on a country lane!

It's amazing the number of people who don't understand hand signals, so many ignore you when you try and stop them overtaking you on a blind bend and then give you a filthy look when they meet a car coming the other way.
What a heartbreaking story, chick.

As an animal lover, it makes me so angry that some drivers think they own the road and have no thought whatsoever for anybody but themselves.

I am in awe of horses - I haven't had much contact with them over my life, but I think they are the most amazing animals - so strong, but yet so gentle.

When I meet a horse on the road, I too slow down to a crawl and I also turn my music down - it's common courtesy if nothing else, really, isn't it???

Amy, tell your friend our thoughts are with her. It's so difficult losing a pet because they really do become part of your family.
Thanks again for all your kind replies :hug:

It's made me feel loads better to realise there are actually some road users left who care about others' safety.

I'm definitely going to help the BHS fund their campaign for horses' safety on the roads....I'm trying to think up some fundraising ideas as I type!

I think the DSA also needs to be petitioned to include compulsory information to new drivers regards horses and riders. It needs to be included at the very basic stage of driving instructors taking their pupils to areas where there are likely to be horses and riders and really being able to give them information on what horses will spook at (practically everything is a hazard to horses), why they react in such a way, and what the driver can do to help the horse and minimise the risk involved for both parties.

Then it needs to be taken to the next level and inlcuded in the Theory Test, Hazard Perception Test (I don't think horses are included in this at the minute....I am not sure though, does anyone have definitive info?) and, where possible, in the actual driving test.

Happy Hands and Clara - horses are meant to have the right of way, as are pedestrians, but it doesn't seem to work like this! I have contacted the police many a time about near-misses and reckless driving and they refuse to do anything unless "something actually happens" - i.e -my horse gets smashed into by a vehicle.

I have always found lorry drivers/bus drivers/motorcycle riders to be the most understanding people on the road. It seems to be mostly impatient car drivers that endanger mine and my horses' lives.
I used to ride on a regular basis and used to find some people so inconciderate with regards to riders and horses.

I definitely slow down as I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a bucking and frightened horse.... NOT PLEASANT
I'm terrified when I see a horse on the road and move way out of the way as you never know what they are going to do!
I was driving along a few months ago when a horse threw it's rider and bolted out of a side lane in between houses so we couldn't see it. It jumped over my car and went straight into the side of the car in front of me (a range rover) somersaulted over that and landed on the ground in front of me. We were travelling at 30mph and this horse came from nowhere.It completely smashed the front and top of the range rover (I dread to think if it had landed on my lttle car) My daughter was in a right state and was trying to tend to the horse who was trying to jump up, I told her to get away in case it hurt her. I was more interested in the poor bloke crushed in the car in front. Luckily he wasn't badly injured. The rider arrived about 5 minutes later. Sadly the horse had to be put down on the spot.
I don't think horses should be on the roads - but seeing as they are I always give them plenty of room and slow down. I think my incident was a one off - something must have spooked the horse!
Yes, I always slow down for horses and move to the other side of the road to pass them if possible. My daughter rides, so I would expect people to do the same for her if she's out on the road. Where we live it's a normal thing horses trotting along LOL.
"I don't think horses should be on the roads"

WHY? dont you think it may be that we all dont live adjacent to bridle paths and quiet tracks, some of us dont have an alternative, if we did i can assure you I would not put my horse's and my own life at risk from those road users who are ignorant to their surroundings.
rachp said:
"I don't think horses should be on the roads"

WHY? dont you think it may be that we all dont live adjacent to bridle paths and quiet tracks, some of us dont have an alternative, if we did i can assure you I would not put my horse's and my own life at risk from those road users who are ignorant to their surroundings.
rachp said:
"I don't think horses should be on the roads"

WHY? dont you think it may be that we all dont live adjacent to bridle paths and quiet tracks, some of us dont have an alternative, if we did i can assure you I would not put my horse's and my own life at risk from those road users who are ignorant to their surroundings.

My sentiments exactly, rach, but Zuise is entitled to her own opinion....

Horses were around well before cars, we owe them a lot....this country wouldn't be where it is today without horses. So just because something faster comes along, which requires less skill to handle, it's "bye bye horses, we have our cars now, and to boot, it's as though these new-fangled car things were specifically designed to frighten the living daylights outta you!"

But as I said above, one of the conditions of your driving license is to accept that horses use the road by ancient right and to treat them with respect.
i'm a cyclist so i know just how horses feel! its scary mary out there but it just so happens i have nerves of steel (90% of the time!) unlike horses, so yes, i always slow right down for horses!

i'm really sorry to hear about your mates horse. hope they throw the book at the stupid &*@% that drove into it.
jac extreme said:

All horses can be spooked, and thats more likely if you are not riding, leading a 15.3hh friesian on a main road for 2 miles is far more hazardous than riding it.

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