Do your clients like the PopIts you are doing?


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I have done my first set on a client to-day had a couple of small problems but nothing that can't be put right with practice, I only got mine on Wed tried them on the nail trainer Thursday for a practice and did my first client to-day, she was over the moon with them, I had no ridge at the eponychium as I had pretaylored it as Gigi had shown us at the demo.:)
They sound very good.
Now, bear in mind I've never worked with them...
Do you feel as though you are charging for your time?
I always work on time and have a (kindof) hourly rate going on in my head.
Does it all add up?
I've not yet used them on paying clients as I am still finding them fiddly - however i know this is because i am not competent with them yet and still need more practise!!

However - I do use them on myself - I can do my own nails in next to no time - around 40 mins - and my right hand looks fantastic. I just use natural tips and creative pink over the top then paint them in what ever colour i want, quick and easy!!

Not yet tried them with french - if i want that then I still use the 'freehand' method xx
Update from my salon with 7 techs now using.....
No greenies
No lifting
No breakages

Lots of oohs and aahs though :)

A few air bubbles, but this is improving with the 'relax' method!
What is the 'relax' method please?

Geeg mentions the 'bump' - I describe this as the 'ridge' at the eponychium - she has a fantastic method for getting rid of this problem if you look at the POPITS YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED thread, although have to say I personally don't mind the little ridge, I can understand why some clients may not be happy with it.
Don't see that as a problem in N'ton, most places in the town are nss and clients are used to far worse then a slight ridge:lol:

Thanks for answering Fiona:hug:
Don't see that as a problem in N'ton, most places in the town are nss and clients are used to far worse then a slight ridge:lol:

Thanks for answering Fiona:hug:

too right susie, there sure are some manky looking sets round here.
get yourself down to 'iceland' in town to see some of the worst:lol:
too right susie, there sure are some manky looking sets round here.
get yourself down to 'iceland' in town to see some of the worst:lol:

yep and they've all been to 'Minging nails R US':lol:
I have been using PopIts on myself now for almost a year and I have to say, I cannot understand in my wildest dreams how they could fall apart after a few days!! What exactly do you mean by 'fall apart'?? What on earth are you doing with them?

I have never had a greenie

I have never even had ONE breakage

I have never had any lifting

I have never had any problems even at the early stages ... the only challenge was the thickness and the odd small bubbles which I sorted very soon and the bump which I sorted as soon as I figured out what to do.

Hi Geeg
They lifted in zone 3 and in pockets, and some popped off, basically needed soaked off within a week. Not the fault of the Poppits but my use of them.
This was not unexpected by me, and I was/am happy to continue on the learning curve and get better at them. I really was not sure how to use them, but having seen your demo in Glasgow last week I know what I was doing wrong.
My product was way too thin, I was applying too much pressure, I wasnt doing the relax thing, my sizing was wrong etc etc.
I still believe they are a great idea and have not given up on them, but for me, I needed to see them in action before I could properly trouble shoot what I was doing wrong - I needed a demo, so thank you for coming all the way to Glasgow to show us.
The jury is still out for me but I am really hoping they work out, because I think they are a fantastic idea.
yep and they've all been to 'Minging nails R US':lol:

Very true, we do seem to be a bit over loaded with NSS, I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard 'they look nicer than my old ones', 'I usually take a pain killer about half an hour before'!!!!

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