Well-Known Member
New to waxing, but I have done quite a few eyebrow wax's now and feel very comfortable doing them. I had an Indian Lady in last Thursday, who couldn't speak very good English. She said"not too thick, keep the thick". So I used my usual creme tee tree wax, tested first on my wrist and her wrist. She kept asking for more to be taken away , So instead of going over the eyebrow area with wax, I used the tweezers. She also asked for some to go above the eyebrows. I said this is not normal etc, but she wanted, insisted. So...... Anyhow on the Saturday she came in with her husband complaining, saying that her eyebrows were sore and little blood spots, he had taken photos. I wasn't there so the girls said to come back on Tuesday when either I or the manager was there. They never came back. So I am confused. My old beautician said that she had had problems with her twice previously. What would you do, what should I do? As far as I am concerned I did everything correctly.