First time Acrylic !!!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2003
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Greven, Germany
Hi you guys, :D
With all this Acrylic being done around here I thought I would give it a try.
So here is a piccie of my first ever Acrylic French Tips on my own fingers, Darling Daughter busy with her own stuff (but she is next).The tips used are Millennium white. You will have to excuse the high setting of the index finger, but my nail broke very short so i placed it at low as I could. I am more after comments about the clear Acrylic application. I just tried to do it the way I remember seeing a the shows. Followed all the usual Application musts. Do you guys think this is ok? What am I doing wrong or could be doing better.
Ok guys, got my Voddy and Orange in hand , so you can be as honest as you like. :trashed:
lots of love Ruth :flower:

Those look very nice. Wow I cannot believe that was your first time. Well when you feel up to it you ought to try pink and whites. That way you can place the smile line wherever you want it and tuck it down into the corners more. It is a challange but fun!
seeeee, i told you Ruth!!! It IS a great attempt for a first go!! has that put your mind at ease now, MMA Detective??!!!! ;)

Thanks for the positive input 8)
Yes pink and white is next on the list, on normal tips, and then on to pink and white sculpts.
Just wanted to get the ratio bit right. Sams tutorial has helped a great deal here. I did these nails in front of the pc following his Tutorial on the overlays step by step. Hubby was creasing up with laughter, as I was talking to the pc as if it was Sam :D
But it worked, just imagine how well I could have one if he'd been here.
Any way thanks again Christie the"Hibiscus Queen". Your Flowers Rock!!!!
lots of love
Ruth xxx :D xxx
The white tips make it easy to do acrylics when you are first starting out. Little to no blending! Woo HOO!

You can even glue on the white tips and then apply white powder over the white tip. This helps to prevent the shadow on the free edge. You can also glue on the white tips and practice your white smile lines over the already symetrical white smile line. This makes it easy to perfect your smile lines before you fully committ to sculpts or regular tips with pink & white acrylic overlay.

Looking great though! And I heard that Star French Express tips do not leave a shadow.....I am going to try those because GOD knows I am still not anywhere near perfect with my smile lines.

Leigh Ann
"You can also glue on the white tips and practice your white smile lines over the already symetrical white smile line."

Yeah, that made total sense didn't it, NOT!

Glue on white tip, place white powder over white tip to practice making the white smile line because you already have a guide....

I think that was better this time........SORRY! It's late over here in Georgia!

Leigh Ann
It made perfect sense to me and it is only 8:30pm here! lol
LOL Made sense to me too. I also noticed the shadows and that is how I first learned to sculpt , by using white powder over the white tips. Are those OPI Dimension tips Ruth? :?:
Yea, makes sense.... :D .......
French tips and white Acrylic over the top, now why didn't i think of that lol. The tips I used are Millenium French Tips.
I will keep at it, practice practise and more practice...... ;) ..................
We dont use Acrylic here at the shop's due to air Exchange and Health and Saftey, but I would still like to be able to do them, and do them well.

But do you all think that the overall overlay looks ok????? Not to lumpy and bulky??
thanks again girls, where would I be without all of you ???????
Lots of love Ruth xxxxx ;)
Who makes the Millenium french tips?
It is kind of hard to tell from this angle, but I love the little gold stripy things! :D
Ruth....You did great! Since you are a Gel user, it's even more wonderful, because acrylics & gels are both horses of a different color. Yes, we know what you want it too look like, but when you actually get your brush in hand and start doing it it is very different. Also, your clear nailbed area up to the cuticle looks very smooth & perfect. Sometimes, actually, most the time, the first set of any different product usually has a lot to be desired. Pat yourself on the back, because yours look great. You are a talented Tech! I also love your simple, yet eyecatching artwork. What did you use? I want to do mine that way. I have wore mine as just a simple Pink & Whites so long that when I do polish or do artwork on me, I feel uncomfortable. I did a set with predesigned tips & it bothered me so much, I had to soak them off way before the design actually grew off. Isn't it funny what we get used to? :D
Hi Ange and Kathi, :thumbsup:
First Millenium tips are sold by a little company in the North of England, I am not sure wether they import the nails or have them manufactured over here. But the Company is great and the people are always keen to please.
The Gold flicks are done with a glitter polish from NuBar, it has the striping brush in the lid. they do all sorts of great colours. They are, I believe from the states, but readily available over here in the UK. KA-SA-RA are one of the Distributors. :D
Secondly ,your comments where very kind and I did try to pat myself on the back, ended up looking like an Octopus having a fit. Hubby thought it was time to have me checked out at the local Mental Hospital, reckons to much resin being sniffed through the day. :silly:
Right girls time for a drink I think, cheers, Voddy and Orange time :trashed:
Bless , lots of love Ruth :flower:
Loved the advice about the french white tips then white acrylic over the top.....will give this a go.......would i need to blend the white tip on before putting in the acrylic????????? thanks a bunch
yep pre-blend to get a nice smileline in there, then go for it...................
OK I know it is late, I just can't see the link for this piccie - help?
God looking at that picture makes me realize how much better my work is now...........
I don't need french tips as a guide anymore, what a difference a year makes..............
Just goes to show, practice does pay off.....................
big pat on the back ruth, they are lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shropshiredawn said:
big pat on the back ruth, they are lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That picure was posted last year in January, they are not lovley, they are ok for a first time result.......................... this is lovley.............and only 6 months later ......


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now they are fabbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Nailsinlondon1 said:
yep pre-blend to get a nice smileline in there, then go for it...................
Thanks very much Ruth for the reply. Will be back for more help
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