Ggrr was this a tactic or genuine? :-(


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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Had a lady today with very short eyelashes. Did a full set of LP which were a definite improvement. Used predominantly 9mm but a few 10s at the very outer corners. After I'd finished she said 'oh there's not much difference is there?'
I was aghast. There was a definite improvement. AND she said she wanted 'definition' without 'drama'. I literally couldn't haven't have put longer / thicker on as they'd have been too heavy for her lashes.
Is this a 'i'm not paying' con or genuine dissatisfaction do u think? :-(
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Not helpful for this time, but always take before and after photo's! I have had so many people that say they forgot how sparse/short their lashes were! Pull out the pictures and they are amazed. Taking pics cover you for any complaints that may arise
Ah thats horrible when that happens:hug:
A good idea is to manage your clients expectations at the start. I am always honest with a client about what can be acheived with their natural lashes. You get the girls who come in and say they want them "massive and thick" but have tiny, fine natural lashes - its not gonna happen :green: Im always honest with them, and explain that my main concern is the health of their natural lash.
It may be that this client you had just expected to look in the mirror at the end and have a "wow" moment. (think ladies who take a film star pic to the hairdressers, with the notion that the haircut will make them look like the pic lol) She may have just been a bit dissapointed Maybe you could have explained that at infill, when she has lived with the lashes for a little while and she has seen how she gets on, you may be able to increase her length a tad, and go down in diameter of lash? Obviously, you have seen her lashes, not me, so this may not be possible xx

Im sure you will learn from it and put it down to experience x:hug:
I have to agree, take photos!- I had mine done today, and Claire took a photo before and after. I loved to see the difference, and if I am honest can't re_member what the original lashes where like. So probably would have wondered at the improvement. out of interest my husband noticed after about 5 min.
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I thought that about the photo afterwards... Not had the prob before :-(
I told her about weight etc and afterwards said if she wants more dramatic they won't stay in but I'll do them and she would need weekly infills.
I've got 3 sets tomoz and going to take pics. Will report tomorrow! Xxx
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I'm the same, always think photos but forget and remember half way through!!!
However I go through the look my client is after, which always seems to be "I would like them a little bit longer and a little bit curlier but not jordan more natural looking"
So I explain to them what I am going to use based on the health/style of their own lashes and say that they may come back at infill asking for longer/shorter/curlier as I find that its usually the 2nd visit where they will get the perfect look they are after.
This is because they ask for something and as we know lashes are adictive and clients get used to the new look then want a little more.
Sorry, warbling on but hope Ive made sense.
Off now to put my camera in my salon room!!!!!

H xx
When I started out a friend gave me a really good tip. She had been a high end curtain maker, brilliant at sewing, not so brilliant on the self confidence front. Her business partner was a far more savvy woman and told her to say, when the curtains had been hung, "wow, don't they look wonderful - they really pick up the colours/accents/etc of the room!"
So, after my first facial client I handed them a mirror and said, gosh, your skin looks and feels so much softer/smoother/firmer/revitalised/insert appropriate adjective here, doesn't it! It actually did look and feel incredibly improved, but I wanted to ensure that a positive a response was forthcoming.

The camera idea is a great one; people genuinely do forget what they looked like prior to the treatment!
Excellent tip there Lynne, how much better does that sound rather than asking them what they think, going to use that from now on in all my treatments xx:):)
Definatly do the picture taking!! Esp on clients like this where there is a difference but not that much!
As I do one eye at a time sometimes I will take a before, a picture of one eye done and then both done. That way they can see the difference looking at the 2 eyes together what it looks like!
Alot of the time once Iv shown the clients the pictures on my iphone they ask me to send it to them! Then they post it on fb, text their friends etc!! So its always a wee added extra taking it on your phone if it has a good quality camera. Once the pic is on their phone and start showing people it gets your name out there too!
I agree with Lynne. Before handing the mirror just say: "wow they look amazing" and this already gives them positive feeling :) Of course, you also have to do a good job :)
Had a lady today with very short eyelashes. Did a full set of LP which were a definite improvement. Used predominantly 9mm but a few 10s at the very outer corners. After I'd finished she said 'oh there's not much difference is there?'
I was aghast. There was a definite improvement. AND she said she wanted 'definition' without 'drama'. I literally couldn't haven't have put longer / thicker on as they'd have been too heavy for her lashes.
Is this a 'i'm not paying' con or genuine dissatisfaction do u think? :-(
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Definitely take the photos. Also, if they insist on not paying (never had this yet! lol) I would say "fine, then I will remove them" and do not let them leave with lashes on! If they insist on keeping them, then you know they were trying to blag you.:)

Definitely take the photos. Also, if they insist on not paying (never had this yet! lol) I would say "fine, then I will remove them" and do not let them leave with lashes on! If they insist on keeping them, then you know they were trying to blag you.:)

I have had this before! Client calls me few days later and says she is not happy and wants a refund. After telling her my policy that I charge for my time etc and that she had plenty time to say when she was here if she was unhappy, she could not get a refund. In the end to save anymore hassel I said yes ok come in and I will refund and remove the lashes. She was like oh no just leave them on its fine! Chancer!!
When I started out a friend gave me a really good tip. She had been a high end curtain maker, brilliant at sewing, not so brilliant on the self confidence front. Her business partner was a far more savvy woman and told her to say, when the curtains had been hung, "wow, don't they look wonderful - they really pick up the colours/accents/etc of the room!"
So, after my first facial client I handed them a mirror and said, gosh, your skin looks and feels so much softer/smoother/firmer/revitalised/insert appropriate adjective here, doesn't it! It actually did look and feel incredibly improved, but I wanted to ensure that a positive a response was forthcoming.

The camera idea is a great one; people genuinely do forget what they looked like prior to the treatment!

What a great idea must remeber that :)
Photo's are a fab way to show clients what their lashes were like before as we do all forget. I also like to refer to it to check their lashes are still nice and healthy. But I do forget sometimes to take the pics lol.
Great advice above and yes I tend to have a big smile on my face when they open their eyes and say how gorgeous they are. Probably because I am always nervous about how the lashes will look, but I am always very pleased with the result :) xx

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