Hair | Standing while Pregnant "may slow foetal growth"


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The Ed.

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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SalonGeek HQ
It's common sense really. This isn't an article about the dangers of working while pregnant and it isn't an article intended to terrify pregnant hairdressers who stand on their feet all day. Instead, this is an article that hopefully encourages those mummies-to-be to discuss these issues with your employer.

The Occupational and Environmental Medecine Journal has published a study that suggests that standing for long periods of time while pregnant "may slow foetal growth." The study followed 4,680 women throughout their pregnancies and found that 4 out of 10 women had a job that meant they were on their feet for around eight hours and, of course, hairdressing was one of those jobs.

Those women who stood for the majority of work had babies whose heads were 1cm smaller than the average.

Professor Alex Burdorf, the lead author of the report, said, "The practical implications of this research are unclear - perhaps if a pregnant woman stands a lot at work she should talk to her employer and make changes."

And Gail Johnson, from the Royal College of Midwives, agrees, "Women need to be reassured that generally working in pregnancy does not increase the risk of poor outcomes. This research provides a useful opportunity to discuss employment issues with women who are pregnant."

Until then...geek on!

The Ed.


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Gee .. I wonder how many trillion hairdressers have carried their babies to full term while working and had a problem with small headed children.

My hairdresser, self employed worked up until the last minute .. Perfect baby boy! Her young colleague just had another bouncing baby boy 6 weeks ago and also worked up until the last minute.

Personally I hate these surveys, they prove nothing and get people rattled and never tell you the outcome of their research.

So many groups are bombarding the beauty sector with reports of this and that these days, mostly unsubstantiated and some down right lies. We are seeing it all the time with nail UV lamps being a target and the products we work with being a target from nail polish to enhancement products and nothing has EVER been proved and, there is plenty of real evidence to support the opposite view..

Such inflammatory charges must be backed up by evidence or should be clearly presented as "opinions". This is just the same old fear-based rhetoric without evidence, but presented as if it were fact. A typical trick these groups use to fool the public.
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Load of rubbish!!

I have 3 children,worked full time untill 2 weeks before due date.Even gave birth to my first the day after i finished.

All 3 babies were and are still perfect :D

Pregnancy is a natural bodily function,not an illness :lick:
And I have seen hundreds of nail technicians work up until the last minute behind the nail table, with no miscarries, no deformed babies. How many years have women been doing these jobs without mishap of any kind? All of a sudden everything we have been doing safely for years and years is being targeted by consumer groups for god knows what purpose.
I noticed that this industry seems to be targeted more and more by newspapers/internet sites/forums and stupid studies!!

Think its all scare mongering because they have nothing else to pay these idiots for!!
I had a client today that said her friend had told her that there had been a rise in tumours on the hands due to women getting their nails done regularly with uv lamps.... I just laughed and said it was a load of rubbish and that she gets more uv exposure going outside than she does with her hands in the uv lamp!
^^^^ See what i mean!!:twisted:

I have to laugh at some of the stuff that gets passed around!x
I had a client today that said her friend had told her that there had been a rise in tumours on the hands due to women getting their nails done regularly with uv lamps.... I just laughed and said it was a load of rubbish and that she gets more uv exposure going outside than she does with her hands in the uv lamp!

Thing is, that some believe his stuff. Unsubstantiated by any proof ... only opinion and uninformed opinion at that! No one thinks anymore or even tries to seek the truth. Pathetic really.
I've spent the last 3 years working in medical research and the experience has made me more cynical than you could ever imagine. The term "lies, damned lies and statistics" really does sum it all up I'm afraid! I would never read any research findings now without a MASSIVE pinch of salt. :sad:
They say that it made no difference to the outcome...I beg to differ...after 5 children, giving birth to babies with smaller heads would have been great (my son was nicknamed melon-head for years...his head is now in proportion to his body and he would kill me if he read this) and I would have probably been running around a lot sooner than I was!!

I knew I should have gone into hairdressing years ago :lol::lol:
I've spent the last 3 years working in medical research and the experience has made me more cynical than you could ever imagine. The term "lies, damned lies and statistics" really does sum it all up I'm afraid! I would never read any research findings now without a MASSIVE pinch of salt. :sad:
Interesting! Thank you.

lol @ Rebecca
the calm person inside me implores me to walk away from this post, the other sheila however tells me to say what i think.

for the love of god stop it!! you are just perpetuating the madness...

there i said it.

have a nice weekend everyone !

and those of you who are with child, put your feet up ... not because im worried about the size of your babies head,, but because in a few months time you will look at this time with fondness and a bit of jealously as you manically run round after your beautiful yet exhausting child having not showered for two days, are wearing clothes that dont match AND have sick on them and you are hallucinating through lack of sleep . ( i have 4 ).


Reading the Ed's news item again ... I have to point out that it was not intended to do any other but encourage employees to discuss any issues with employers. But really, since the dawn of time women have been working and standing for the majority of their time during pregnancy!

Of course I'm sure there has been no study about what effect sitting for 8 hours a day would have on an infant's physiognomy! It all seems pretty pointless to me and has proved nothing other than to cause yet another concern for young mums to be when they have enough things already they are told they can and can't do? Most mothers my age laugh at all the restrictions today as many of us were in fact told to do some of the things they now say you shouldn't.
With my first i ate pate,drank guiness(on my dads recommendation as he fed it to my mum!),i ate rare steak and blue cheese if i felt the urge and he turned out fine!
With my 2nd you could eat cheese,but mr whippy was a no no!(i ate mr whippy!!).
With my third everything had reverted back to the rules with my first!!

Being that i have 3 absolutly happy kids,and like my nan would say "Rebecca ,you were fed on cows milk from 1 month as you didnt like anything else!!",i think we can safely tuck this article back where it came from!!
I worked 2 weeks over my due date, funny when clients asked when r u due ? And I would say 2 weeks ago lol
Also returned to work just under 2 weeks from having c section. Not ideal but my second in command was also on maternity and if I did not return I would not of had a business to return too !

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