Howdy , Oey , health and safety within the hair salon is more or less the same as beauty and nails ect , the sme procedures are applied in hairdesssing too , and in barbering with mens hair and shaving ,
eg contaminated sharps boxes are needed for sharps to be disposed of safey,
any contra indications to be dealt with accordingly ,
To spray any bushes and combs between use with a spray , I use steriline a broad spectum disenfectant ,
The same goes for all eqiupment for use in mens hairdressing ,
I am red hot on the santizing process ,
any nits and the brushes and combs are thrown away , all areas and gowns towels ect would be washed with bleach and or barbicide ,
I would even leave on a mosquito killer plugged in at night , as these are very effective at eliminating any trace of such things,
All other contra indications are much like your own and you would deal with them using very much the same guidelines set out by your own local authority and what you have learned in college ,
You are then issued with a certficate from your local health and saftey , which passes you on the standards of your health and safety,
This should be framed and displayed ,
As within any beauty industry we will always have these NSS salons ,beauty bars and Hairdressing salons too which are not up to scratch ,
These type of salons should be reported to health and safety for a spot check,
Most of us Hairdressing geeks on here are just like all of you nail geeks
we are committed to the hairdressing industry and are very hot on sanitizing too ,
hope this helps :hug: x minky