Help with daughter swearing!


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
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Weymouth, Dorset
Hi all,

My 20 month old daughter has started saying "oh f***" whenever she drops something, falls over or something similar.
I don't know what to do, she started yesterday and we started by just correcting her, then telling her off and this morning I have tried to teach her something else that's fun to say instead like oops with her hand over her mouth. No luck, she seems to know the correct context to use it in and is carrying on with it. We haven't done to baby group this morning as I am too embarrassed to let anyone else hear she has picked this up!
Help please xx

...jewels not tools...
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Hi all,

My 20 month old daughter has started saying "oh f***" whenever she drops something, falls over or something similar.
I don't know what to do, she started yesterday and we started by just correcting her, then telling her off and this morning I have tried to teach her something else that's fun to say instead like oops with her hand over her mouth. No luck, she seems to know the correct context to use it in and is carrying on with it. We haven't done to baby group this morning as I am too embarrassed to let anyone else hear she has picked this up!
Help please xx

...jewels not tools...

I'd say correct her at first, "No, you say 'Oopsa daisy'"
If not, at 20months can't you punish her? "That's naughty, go and sit on the naughty step, mummy's very upset"

In my opinion, if she wants to use big girl words she can be punished like a big girl.

Does she hear you or family say it?
I know you're probably mortified, but it's pretty funny :S
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:( Tried both of those, if I tell off she cries and she knows that she's done wrong, but I don't think she understands what is that she is doing wrong, she doesn't understand the word that she is using. Makes it more difficult to tell her off :(
Tried persuading her to use a different word but she's not having it, she is locked onto that one,that's it now!! She's quite quick at picking up words but I am hoping eventually she might forget if I don't react to it?
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure she picked up from her father as he has quite potty mouth!! He was brought up in a house where swearing was second nature to everybody, so sometimes he just forgets despite me continuingly telling him off!! it is funny, does make me chuckle because she says it perfectly, however it worries me about taking her to baby groups as I don't want her to be labelled as "that child"
Grr! Took me three months to get her to say piggy. she picked up this word straight away though ��

...jewels not tools...
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My daughter did the same and the only thing that worked was ignoring it. Whether you tell her off or try and get her to use a different word, she's getting attention from saying it so will carry on.

It is hard and I do sympathise. I find people forget very quickly what children are like and often throw glaring looks but we've all been there and you shouldn't feel bad. Easier said than done though I know.

I think she's still very young for punishments. Yes, they understand more than we think but she doesn't know what the word means and isn't doing it to be naughty so in my eyes, a punishment isn't appropriate. She's just cottoned on to the fact that it pushes your buttons x

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She's 20 months. Ignore it. Don't react to it. The more attention you pay to it, the more she'll do it.

Can you punish a 20 month old? If you start to put her on the naughty step for something like this, you'll not have anything to punish her with when she really gets naughty. Not saying that she will, but you never know.

Of course, if she has learnt this from her dad, I would try putting him on the naughty step :wink2:
A crèche said to me before if they say a bad word Your better off to ignore it, i dont think the naughty step is supposed to be used intil theyre 2.

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Thanks everyone! I didn't feel right telling her off as she didn't know. I have been saying oh dear when we were playing and she seems to have stopped for the moment and is trying to copy that instead, otherwise I am just ignoring :) just funny how she says it at just the right moment.
Problem is how can you be annoyed with this little face? Xx ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1403778895.831059.jpg

...jewels not tools...
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Agree ignore it, my young brother did this when he was two and my poor mum tried everything!
She even had to change nursery a because of it.
Ignore it xx
Thanks everyone! I didn't feel right telling her off as she didn't know. I have been saying oh dear when we were playing and she seems to have stopped for the moment and is trying to copy that instead, otherwise I am just ignoring :) just funny how she says it at just the right moment.
Problem is how can you be annoyed with this little face? XxView attachment 68841

...jewels not tools...

Oh far too cute. I'm laughing my head off imagining her saying it. :D
I could never put her on the naughty step. She needs constant cuddling!
Oh far too cute. I'm laughing my head off imagining her saying it. :D
I could never put her on the naughty step. She needs constant cuddling!

You're going soft.
I'm not a parent and don't pretend to know anything about raising children but if this was me, I'd be having serious words with the my other half about his language in front of her in the first place. I'm not trying to criticise or judge, just giving my take on the situation. Laughing it off and ignoring it might work but what happens to the next swear word she picks up? x
Thanks everyone! I didn't feel right telling her off as she didn't know. I have been saying oh dear when we were playing and she seems to have stopped for the moment and is trying to copy that instead, otherwise I am just ignoring :) just funny how she says it at just the right moment.
Problem is how can you be annoyed with this little face? XxView attachment 68841

...jewels not tools...

Awww she is tooo cute to tell off! Absolutely gorgeous little one :) I'd definitely have to leave the room for laughing if she said that infront of me.
I would ignore her.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app
Hi all,

My 20 month old daughter has started saying "oh f***" whenever she drops something, falls over or something similar.
I don't know what to do, she started yesterday and we started by just correcting her, then telling her off and this morning I have tried to teach her something else that's fun to say instead like oops with her hand over her mouth. No luck, she seems to know the correct context to use it in and is carrying on with it. We haven't done to baby group this morning as I am too embarrassed to let anyone else hear she has picked this up!
Help please xx

...jewels not tools...

Why not just give her a clip round the ear when she does it? That will work. Nothing to severe but a tap will do

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Why not just give her a clip round the ear when she does it? That will work. Nothing to severe but a tap will do

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Father too? Don't see why he should get away with it.
Just ignore it to start with, give it a week and if that isn't working I would start putting her on a naughty step or something

My kids are 9 and 6 and luckily they've never sworn but friends and family have had this problem and they have just ignored it and not made it an issue and it has stopped

It's difficult because she's 20 months and she probably doesn't fully understand what she's saying is wrong because she hears her daddy say it, we get our children to repeat our words when we are learning them new words, so she's probably thinking it's just another new word
Father too? Don't see why he should get away with it.

Well speak to the father as he is old enough to understand and put the child in check as they are not old enough to understand.

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I think she is too young to understand that its wrong as her daddy says it so just ignore her. Poor little thing, you can't smack her, that's absurd.

The father on the other hand......get a water pistol or pellet gun and everything he swears I'd blast one off in his face.
I told my son nit to say it and initially wasnt Cross, I explained, thats a naughty word to say and if i hear you say it again i will be cross. This happened a few times then he kept doing it, I absolutely didnt laugh but ignored it. then one day he did it and by this point I knew he knew it was wrong and really told him off. I also reprimanded hubby in front of him for it so it was naughty for him too. I also told hubby that he said "but daddy says it" (he didnt say that) and he was mortified.

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