Home salons.-what do you expect to see?


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Jun 16, 2012
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I've seen similar posts over in the hair thread, and also on Facebook recently someone wanting to set up in their bedroom with a divider. The lady I go to for waxing sees me in her bedroom with a divider too! So......

What do you think about home salons?

They come in all shapes and sizes from log cabins, spare rooms, under the stairs etc but what do you guys think about doing nails at home- I would love to but I have no spare room! I've seen people set up under the stairs, which look cute!

Would you guys doubt a place or think it's any less professional if it's a home salon in a section of the living room or under the stairs?

In london where i live, space is cramped so i can understand the lack of extra space garages etc.
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Our home salon is very successful.We have a larger than average detached garage in our back garden which is now 3/4 beauty salon.No one has to come in the house only through the back gate.It is all double glazed,very warm and just like stepping in a salon nail desk,couch units etc.All legal requirements in place.
Its open practically all day 7 days,as there is myself and my daughter and she is so driven it is going from strength to strength.
To be honest I wouldn't do it if I had to have people in my house as its too small we wouldn't be able to separate things very well.
Ive never been to a home salon, as long as the space is clean, tidy, inviting & the person was professional I wouldn't have any issues. The only thing stopping me from converting my spare room is my dog. He cries if he is locked away or outside & it is his home, I don't want him distressed.

If I was a home salon I would put pictures of my work area on my website & facebook to show clients what to expect.

I have a home salon & there are definate pros & cons to it!

The positive side is that the costs are waaaay below what you would pay to rent a place, it is peaceful, free parking, more personalised service,more flexible hours & you dont have to sit around waiting in a salon all day if you dont have many clients booked in.

Cons are: you are hidden away so there is no passing trade which I think makes it hard to make people aware that you are there & open for business, i find it hard to relax at home or to get into my onsie incase a client calls! Happened a few times & its embarrassing but I just wanna relax! Also i think sometimes people dont take you as seriously as they would a normal salon, as in people will sometimes think its fine to be late because you will be home anyways.

I have printed all of the positives (from the clients point of view) & put them on my leaflet!

I have a home salon & there are definate pros & cons to it!

The positive side is that the costs are waaaay below what you would pay to rent a place, it is peaceful, free parking, more personalised service,more flexible hours & you dont have to sit around waiting in a salon all day if you dont have many clients booked in.

Cons are: you are hidden away so there is no passing trade which I think makes it hard to make people aware that you are there & open for business, i find it hard to relax at home or to get into my onsie incase a client calls! Happened a few times & its embarrassing but I just wanna relax! Also i think sometimes people dont take you as seriously as they would a normal salon, as in people will sometimes think its fine to be late because you will be home anyways.

I have printed all of the positives (from the clients point of view) & put them on my leaflet!

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looks very professional! i hear you about clients thinking its ok to be late etc.
how do you advertise?
looks very professional! i hear you about clients thinking its ok to be late etc.
how do you advertise?

Thanks so much ! I keep it as clean as humanly possible too so it is hygenic, im a bit ocd about it! I often get a text "just gonna sit. & have my dinner & then il be round!" Very frustrating! I advertise by leaflet drops around housing estates, businesses in the town, facebook ( get most of my booking from it ), twitter, website & have done free nail art days for charities in shops & handed out business cards. Always thinking of ways to advertise that aren't going to cost an arm & a leg!

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