How Much Should I Spend on Advertising?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Bucks
I'm a Mobile Spray Tan Tech operating on a part time basis and so far have done all the usual free advertising - website/on-line, leaflet-dropping, word of mouth from friends, family and clients, and I've had a reasonable response, donated free voucher in return for flyer distribution, but like everyone I'm always keen to increase my client base. There are so many opportunities for paid advertising out there and I just don't know how much is an acceptable amount to invest in advertising. £20? £50? £100? £250? My income from spray tanning isn't huge so I know I can't go mad. Is there a formula I should be using which would tell me how much I should allow for advertising? Thanks all x

I don't think that there is one fits-all formula - it depends on so many factors.

What you really need to do is sit down and work out a budget that works for you and your business. However, I don't think you should spend too much on it as, IME, the majority of new clients come from word of mouth.

Linzi x
There is a lot of advertising you can do without spending a fortune. Networking really is the key here, so join as many appropriate business network groups as you can and be pleasantly surprised when you pick up new clients every time you go! Just google business network groups and your location, et voila!
Hi Calla, I've joined a local business link forum but some of the more suitable events are chargeable and I just can't pay. I must look into that area more though, thanks.
I'm thinking about paying to advertiseon, has anyone else done it and had any success?
I think the general rule for a small business is 10% off turnover/projected turnover although for a start-up business you might expect it to be higher than this.
Are any of these close to you - they cost nothing except the price of a cup of coffee!
Thanks Calla, there are a few meetings close enough to me and I've just joined up. I'm definitely going to a meeting next week and I'll let you know how it goes. Should I really just bring my business cards with me as the website suggests? I might have to sneak in some flyers too at least ... Thanks again xx
All paid advertising I have ever done has been a waste of time, I have gained 1 client from spending £50 to sign my car up, which is no longer on. I have just paid £10 for Car magnets now. I paid £30 for a local mag add which was for 1 year and gained nothing from that. I have got more custom from having loads of free adds all over the net and having a free website. Word of mouth is the best advertising anyone can have and its free. I have now given up with spending to get myself out there and I dont think I do to bad, but then im in Hairdressing which I guess is required more. I also have a plus side as Mobile Hairdressers in my area are going out of business or emigrating so I am gaining their Clients.
Take business cards, brochures, flyers, samples, anything that will promote your business. I've had SO much business from these events, you really can't afford to not do them!
Also, check out Cappuccino Connection - this is part of the Athena group, but you don't have to pay for this either. When you go to these events you'll find out about all sorts of networking events, some of which cost, some of which don't.
Have you tried gumtree? This is free and I have had most of my clients off of there. Also i buy 250 business cards from vista print and drop them through peoples doors. The only cost about 3 quid. There have been times where i have got one client from the 250 cards but hey for 3 quid, im not complaining!

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