How to handle criticisms of your designs?


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I looked in your album and that bacon and eggs is amazing!
I looked in your album and that bacon and eggs is amazing!

I second this,I think it's really original, never seen one like that before! Well done xxx

My gran always said "If you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all"

If i were you I'd put comments on approval first before posting, just until the cloud goes away (I know how you feel BTW), then when you start feeling more positive then let people comment as before :hug:
I personally feel if I had nothing nice to say I wouldn't say anything at all but everyone is different in how they express their opinions but I feel she should of maybe kept her opinions to herself,if I don't like something I would never dream of commenting that I didn't like it such a public way.
I also have had a mini confidence meltdown in the past when a client has broke a nail and always thought it was something I had done when it turns out to be something the client had done but with experience comes confidence in your work and knowing how to take the more negative opinions,as others said it is the clients who nails you did that counts.
I would delete the comment.
Wishing you all the best :)
By the way,I've just had a look and they are amazing and you have sooooo many likes you should be very proud :)
Just a quick reply to say, I know exactly how you feel. I have also suffered from depression, I am hyper-sensitive and, idiotically critical of myself and used to take just about everything personally. It's not easy, but try to remember that things that mean a lot to us -- because it's our business, our work, our ideas, our skill -- doesn't always mean anything to the people make comments.

I try to remind myself of that when a client makes a comment on something other than the service I provided her. Chin up, my lovely!
Just wanted to say to you all, thank you very much for your comments. It means a LOT coming from such professionals, who clearly know what they're doing.

It got to me as my Facebook page is mainly for the fans round the world (Somehow I have fans in asia etc!), and I was also told growing up "If you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". I was criticised a lot as a teen, very strict father (Who I no longer have contact with) where anything below an A meant a fail, so I find it difficult to take criticism (Seeing a few counselors for it, and I also visit a hospital)

Love you all very much. xx
Thanks for your kind words on my post.I would just like to say ur art is great don't let people get to you all the best xx
I thought bacon & eggs was genius. Each to their own opinions. I'm a serial depressive so I hear u loud & clear on the not dealing with criticism too well.
But the good feedback on this thread should tell you you are very good, & you should draw comfort from that.
I wish I had your talent!! Keep knocking out those awesome & inspirational designs xxxxx
Well I've also looked through your albums & you need to give yourself a big pat on the back.. Your work is really inspirational, so I guess what I'd like to say to you is quit putting yourself down & don't give anyone permission to knock your confidence ...

Don't let things get the better of you. Stop doubting yourself & forget what others think. You can't be everyones cup of Tea all of the time, only some of the time :)

So everytime you feel crappy, look at your albums & tell yourself you are good.

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