I have gone quiet, how are you all doing?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
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Hey guys

I had a stonking August much to my surprise (first year of trading and thought due to summer hols things would be quiet).

I thought September would be busy as parents would be waiting for the kids to go back to school and then rushing to pamper themselves but I'm fairly quiet. Is this normal or should I be worried??
It's normal, my regulars tick along but I find September and October quiet for new business. Gives me some time to catch up with paperwork etc, though!
I am the exact same an i thought it was maybe just me!!

i have started looking at other advertising because of it but hopefully it will pick up

Hayley x
I'm quieter than normal but I've got about 3 new clients so thats good.
I went quieter last week, mega quiet this week then mega busy next week!! I'm also in my first year of trading so I'm doing lots of advertising on a continuous basis. I'm learning to stop panicking when it goes quiet and use the time wisely! xx
Yes I am the same too but to be honest this week I have been glad of the rest after how busy it's been. I too am only in my first year. I did a promo via facebook last night and got 2 bookings within the hour though!
Yes I am the same too but to be honest this week I have been glad of the rest after how busy it's been. I too am only in my first year. I did a promo via facebook last night and got 2 bookings within the hour though!

I too am very quiet but I know I'm partly to blame as I haven't been putting the leg work in :zzz:. Time to get remotivated I think! Nat Nat, can you please tell me how you do your promo on facebook? Is this just your social account and you send a message to all friends or do you go through the business section which I think maybe has a fee??? Thanks for your help, busy searching through all blogs for new ideas :hug:
I get one week where Im packed then the next is quiet! I really hate it being quiet as I still have to stay in the salon incase someone calls or I get a walk in, when theres about 100 things I could be doing at home lol!

I think its quiet because its just after the summer holidays so everyones not got as much money. And also saving for xmas! Im already planning my xmas packages to start offering!
I thought all salons were quiet in September and October? It's the quiet before the xmas storm
Me too, very quiet, but the summer was so so busy I could do witht he time to catch up with a few things, I book my holiday for september, then the run up to christmas will be manic. x
the first 2 weeks of September have always been the quietest for us there is also a seasonal low at the end of jan and feb, first couple of years we panicked, but now its just the way it is,:cry:
i have used my quiet time doing new posters, promo work demos and the dreaded VAT return ect we have also done special offers for the quiet period like free training ect to help boost sales
dont fret it will be madness come November when the party season kicks in :hug:
Thanks guys, good to know.

H xx
I too am very quiet but I know I'm partly to blame as I haven't been putting the leg work in :zzz:. Time to get remotivated I think! Nat Nat, can you please tell me how you do your promo on facebook? Is this just your social account and you send a message to all friends or do you go through the business section which I think maybe has a fee??? Thanks for your help, busy searching through all blogs for new ideas :hug:

I set up a group for my beauty business, invited my friend and got them to invite their friends, then I message all the group members with what ever deals are on at the time. I usually get something back so it's well worth it and it doesnt cost anything!:)
Yes I am the same too but to be honest this week I have been glad of the rest after how busy it's been. I too am only in my first year. I did a promo via facebook last night and got 2 bookings within the hour though!

Hi Nat Nat,
Im really intersted with the idea of the promo via facebook. We have a buisness account and i also have my own , could you tell me how you did the promo please?

thanks in advance carrie x
Hi Nat Nat,
Im really intersted with the idea of the promo via facebook. We have a buisness account and i also have my own , could you tell me how you did the promo please?

thanks in advance carrie x

Hey Carrie

I think we were posting at the same time! I've put what I do above, it's only simple really! N :)

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