This aspect of indian head massage is (in my experience) rarely taught so first of all you are very lucky to have such an open minded tutor. The experience you have had is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Working with the more spiritual self is IMO one of the weirdest yet fantastic experiences you can have. I personally don't 'see' anything,but I feel everything, when i am in tune with my client i often feel their symptoms, their emotions and almost hear their inner thoughts. I am a very logically minded person and question everything, so for me I have quite a battle going on between logic and intuition. I personally find it easier to work with the Chakra centres more than the aura as a whole, but i would have to say if you are like me (very logical) you will be constantly putting in your own subconscious blocks, the more you open up the more profound your experiences will be. I often wish I could work more this way especially as my hubby is a spiritual medium but i am hands on and like tangible evidence that you can see, touch & feel so i am my own worst enemy. Do remember every ones is different and will experience things differently there are no right or wrongs when working with energy, if your intent is pure and healing then you will have a positive influence, if you are feeling under the weather or are having a bad day then it is equally as easy to have a more negative effect on a person. A baby laughing for instance makes most people smile, but like wise if someone is having a rough time and they are 'very woe is I' and defeatist in nature it can soon bring your own mood down.
Sorry for the long ramble but i hope it makes sense and helps.xx