Hi, if it states its 100% human hair then it usually is 100% human hair
but..... its kinda what they are not stating that would worry me more
usually a statement of 100% human hair
means that is is not 100% cuticle correct hair
but for anyone new on here I will try to explain
Once hair has been coloured and coated there is more chance of it getting muddled up ,
so the important thing with any hair is that the cuticles are all facing the same way just like when it was cut from the donor ,
but even if just a few hairs get turned upside down within the bundle
those hairs will rub against the rest of the hair and will interlock just like self backcombing ,
after a few washes ...... when this turned hair is worn it will start to climb up itself and loop with the slightest head movement
people often wonder why this happens .....
and its all because the hair has been muddled and turned upside down ,
so its very important to keep the hairs cuticles all running in all the same
direction ..... especially when pre bonding the hair yourself ..... as great care must be taken to remember where the roots are and the ends are
when you go into a hair extension shop ..... or if you have recently bought some new extensions
just take a look and feel the hair gently on the ends with your fingertips
and then look closely at the ends of the hair against the white cardboard
if you see some little round darker dots stuck on the ends of some hairs then ..... they shouldnt be there at all
as they are the root bulbs and they should be facing the other way around .... so if you see this...... then ...... dont buy it !.... as this hair will tangle and its low grade hair ,
but even if you dont see any little bulbs ......they may still be in there as sometimes they simply cut off the ends so you cannot see them as much ,
so you would still be taking a chance with this type of hair .....
Banbury and Tasha jacks sell ( best European hair ) will match any hair colour for you and is guaranteed to be cuticle correct hair
any new extensionists on here
should always do loads of research on why hair like this will tangle and matt up ,
if you do a search on the search bar you will find there is loads of info on here.....
read and research everything you can about buying good hair....
You dont have to learn by costly mistakes ..... by educating yourself first about hair
you will save yourself from getting ripped off ... and also save yourself loads of money in the long run....
Hey Leonnib sorry for hijacking your post :hug:
just thought it may help any new hair extensionists out there
x minky