Jade Goody's PA


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Wow what an opportunity to get your name in lights, lol
You go girl, good luck.
Don`t forget us humble essex geeks when you`re famous
Good luck & don't forget us when your famous!!!! Just enjoy!! :)
good luck hun xx
Lil hun, that's great.
You know what I am going to say after our many chats! Go for it, this is your future and a chance for you to be very happy. You need this for you hun.

Well the auditions was yesterday but I didn't go in the end coz I thought I better had go to Daryn's nan's birthday meal! Felt bad if I didn't! Never mind, I did email them asking if I could go on the Saturday but never got a reply back off them til today! lol

They want me to go this Sunday instead but talk about bad timing, I am off to see my mum on Wednesday for a few days and come home Sunday evening, so again I won't be able to attend! Its been bad timing! But I am pleased that they emailed me again asking me, jus had to email them back and explain the situation!

Hey lets look at it this way maybe I just wasn't met to go for the audition!!! xx
princesslilyxx said:
Well the auditions was yesterday but I didn't go in the end coz I thought I better had go to Daryn's nan's birthday meal! Felt bad if I didn't! Never mind, I did email them asking if I could go on the Saturday but never got a reply back off them til today! lol

They want me to go this Sunday instead but talk about bad timing, I am off to see my mum on Wednesday for a few days and come home Sunday evening, so again I won't be able to attend! Its been bad timing! But I am pleased that they emailed me again asking me, jus had to email them back and explain the situation!

Hey lets look at it this way maybe I just wasn't met to go for the audition!!! xx

Can't you come back early Sunday morning babe? I really think you should make this happen.
I am sure your mum would understand if you came back early if this is a job that you truly want...sometimes we think things are not meant to be when infact we can make them happen.....if you really want this job then i think you should go. x
I think its a once in a lifetime opportunity...and you should definitly go! The fact that they have now e-mailed you twice....means that they want to see you. Maybe its you who doesnt want it enough??
gucci906 said:
I think its a once in a lifetime opportunity...and you should definitly go! The fact that they have now e-mailed you twice....means that they want to see you. Maybe its you who doesnt want it enough??

Have to agree with this statement Lily - you seemed so keen yet you're putting it all off!!
Yeah you know I think you guys are so right. I will just leave my mum's in the evening on Saturday as it is a long drive, 4 hours, so there will b no way I could leave earlier on Sunday. At least I get to see my mum for a few days anyway! I am going to go for it, coz Daryn just tex me saying well they have emailed you more than once and you never know whats round the corner! I will tell my mum and I am sure she will understand afterall mum always wants whats best for their kids!
princesslilyxx said:
Yeah you know I think you guys are so right. I will just leave my mum's in the evening on Saturday as it is a long drive, 4 hours, so there will b no way I could leave earlier on Sunday. At least I get to see my mum for a few days anyway! I am going to go for it, coz Daryn just tex me saying well they have emailed you more than once and you never know whats round the corner! I will tell my mum and I am sure she will understand afterall mum always wants whats best for their kids!

fantastic..!!! xx
go for it lily.. it sounds to good to miss out on, i'm sure your mum won't mind its only a few hours after all xx
Good luck Lily, got all crossable things crossed - it'll be so cool to see a fellow Geek on TV! :hug:
oh wow! good luck - hope you get it, it definately sounds interesting and i think shes quite funny!! x:green:
GO FOR IT GIRLY!!! xxx :hug: xxx You deserve some good luck! xxx
good on you!!!!!!!!!!!!

good luck!!!

Hi Lily, Lots of different opinions and you don't seem 100% certain. At the end of the day, it's up to you. Only you knows what you want, don't be pressured into it cos you'd feel like you've let everyone down, especially as everyone knows who it is.
However, if you do go, don't be telling them about that 'contest' hun!!!lol
Remember, as one door closes, another opens.

Michelle xxx :hug:
How did it go????? dying to find out!!!
Nice one babe, I am proud of you.
PM me when you get home.

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