L&P on a pregnant customer???


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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
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can someone please put me straight with this!

I was recently told that you can not apply L&P on a pregnant customer? Its not safe.
Is this correct?

I was not told anything about this in my course so not sure if they are correct or not.

Maybe im being dumb but i dont want to work on them incase this is true, but then if it is why wasnt i informed of this during my overlay course?!!!!

a little confused!!

thanks alot
This is a load of old codswallop. You can apply L+P on a pregnant client. If you do a search, you will find more indepth info. Sorry but I cant find the link.

Hi there,
I found this in the Technotes written by Doug himself...........
this should ease your mind ......

Pregnancy and the Salon
Doug Schoon
Vice President of Science & Technology
Creative Nail Design, Inc.

What About My Clients?
When your clients discover they’re pregnant, one of the first questions they will ask you is, “Can I keep wearing my nail enhancements during my pregnancy?”
The answer is yes; of course they can safely wear artificial nails! There is absolutely no reason to believe that wearing any type of nail enhancement is harmful during pregnancy. The product polymerizes (hardens) within three minutes, practically eliminating the chance that any of the product will penetrate beyond the topmost layers of the nail plate. Also, the level of exposure to salon chemicals while receiving nail services is miniscule and will create no risks to the pregnant client.

Hope this helps xxx
i dont know if you would have to take them off nearer the big day? I remember when I was having my children they said 'no nail varnish', something to do with being able to see the pink of your fingers, an indication of your wellbeing or something?? I suppose the same would apply to enhancements too? Im sure someone will know the answer to this. x
They can always check the toe nails, seens they will be closer to the toes than the fingers so to speak lol.....My daughter sported a full set of french enhancements whilst giving birth to her twins..natural delivery but they had surgeon at stand by just incase.... they said that was ok as they where happy with checking her toes, this was at Basildon Hospital last year May.......

She also was allowed to keep her nails on for her hip replacement, same hospital in November 2000......... So it really depends who is on duty.....but to be safe check with the hospital or Midwife.....
i have worn enhancements now for 14 yrs.
ive had 2 general anaesetics and given birth naturally to 2 children.
not at any time was i asked to remove them.
i have, however, had a few clients that have been told by nurses that they will have to remove their nails.
they have queried it and it has not been necessary.
the trouble is that a lot of people in the medical world don't know that there is a huge difference between nails that are stuck on over the whole nail plate with adhesive, and our way of overlaying the nail with a product that is completly transparent, and doesn't interfere at all with their observations.

the only thing that they can justify complaining about is if the nails are excessively long, then the pulse meter that they place on the end of your finger doesn't work as it cant reach your finger tip!

so, if you wear your nails that long, shorten one on each hand to allow them to do that.

also, i waer flawless on my nails, so i would have to remove mine, or change them to a transparent product.

don't let them bully you into taking them off!
liza x
l wasn't doing nails when I had my 2 children, and I am going back 9 years since I had the last one so maybe things have changed since then? It makes sense that they could look at your toes instead of your hands, didnt think of that!! D'oh! Hopefully now nails are more popular they will have changed their thinking anyway...x
wow that has definatley put my mind at rest!!

thanks alot to everyone for your wonderful help.

i didnt think she was right as surely i would have learned something like that during my course!! you never know though do you!!

well, at thats another client to my short little list!

thanks again everyone.

(just wanna say this site is the best - one problem though - im addicted to it and dont get anything else done!!!!)

The only problem that i had with L&P during my preggie days was the smell! I had to switch to gel nails while I was preggers, then, when my babu was born, I changed back to L&P. They never asked me to remove my enhancements either, they checked my toes (the color of your nail beds shows something about your oxygen)
this is very handy information to have. Thanks Guys! You all rock.
I have learned something new today... I was told that you should always be carfulll and maybe not do l&p on pregnant ladies.. does the same apply for people with dieabetics
I'm still wearing L&P and 2 scans have revealed baby only has one head, two arms and two legs, and they are all in the right places :) . Only difference I've noticed is that I'm more sensitive to the smell of the monomer - but not enough to put me off!

HappyHands said:
I have learned something new today... I was told that you should always be carfulll and maybe not do l&p on pregnant ladies.. does the same apply for people with dieabetics

Having diabetes doesn't stop being able to wear enhancements. There has been stuff asked before so do a search to get some more info but the basic rules for diabetics are that their skin my be thinner, more easily cut and can bleed longer - so take extra care using metal tools, doing cuticle work or with new files. Some diabetics can also lose sensation in extremities, so things like using paraffin wax and heated mitts/ booties might be a no no.

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