We don’t have any National licensing regulations covering hair & beauty in the UK unlike the US.
That means anyone can set up as a lash tech, nail tech, hairdresser etc. and be completely unqualified, have had no training whatsoever, have no insurance and do a really rubbish job and providing they don’t cause actual physical harm to to the client, the client has absolutely no comeback in law.
It’s known in legal terms as caveat emptor or buyer beware.
Some local councils are requiring salons to be licensed with them by paying a fee and having their premises inspected BUT there is still no comeback for the client if the therapist/technician does a really poor job.
Equally, there are a few despicable clients who once they’ve had a reasonable service will still use underhand means such as posting derogatory statements on social media in order to bully the therapist into refunding the full cost of the treatment. They’ve worked out that they can have nice nails, hair, lashes etc. and later on recoup the money they’ve spent to then use for something else.
If you get one of these clients, don’t enter into any discussion with them, screen shot any unpleasant posts and save them, then block them on socia media and ban them from your salon.