Losing my confidence


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Aug 4, 2010
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hi all i have trained in the edge acylics have had loads of practice but as soon as i have done a set and they look nice i get a phonecall saying they have pinged off just cant understand it am now really not wanting to do anymore xxx
hi all i have trained in the edge acylics have had loads of practice but as soon as i have done a set and they look nice i get a phonecall saying they have pinged off just cant understand it am now really not wanting to do anymore

Ask CND to send you a trail kit of their Acrylic, doubt you would have the same problem with such a top end company.
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thanks hun is this what you use im just at my wits en how do i go about getting a trial kit xx
I switched to CND as well at someoint but if your application is incorrect you will still have problems.

I still have days that shake my confidence then I have others that make me think Im amazing. You cant expect perfection from the get go. Try to learn from your mistakes and keep trying...
Phone sweet squared and they will be able to help with CND products as they are the distributor. hth
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I too still have the odd off day and I have been doing nails for years. I changed to CND last year and I love their products but it is all down to your tecnique I think. You just have to stick with it and keep learning by your mistakes. You will get better. Htp:)
Look .. in my opinion posts that tell people to 'just practise' or to 'learn from their mistakes', when the person is obviously struggling really do not help at all and in fact are not giving good advice even if one thinks they are being supportive.

Making mistake after mistake does not help one learn. It just wear you down and takes away desire and confidence ... continually practising the wrong things, does not help one to learn it only helps you to keep doing the same things wrong again.

Taking a small 121 class is what helps people to stop making the same mistakes over and over again, and taking a small 121 class is what helps people to practise perfectly --- see my signature below.

The best boost to your confidence, raych, would be to ring Sweet Squared 08452106060 (they are the UK main distributor for CND products) and sign up for their nearest Conversion class. The class is free -- you only pay for the kit. You will come away from that class buzzing and with all the things you need to get started with CND. :hug:
You might also find a demo of the product you are using on youtube, it might be something so simple that is going wrong, I was at the stage you are now just a few weeks ago and all of a sudden something has clickked and my nails this last couple of weeks have massively improved all because of just 2 small things (but BIG implications to the end result!) I had some great advice from here, and also watched demos on youtube using the product i trained with and also read the tutorials / articles on here for prepping and application etc, even down to the way i held my brush and just watched the basics (which i thought i knew) just to check EVERYTHING! I wish you luck and hope you figure it out soon - dont give up thought, if you stick it out you will eventually figure it out :)

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