Manicure tools .. what do I need?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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i have been doing manis on and off for cpl years, was taught by a reputable company much respected on here ..
but the only tools i was taught to use were :
double ended cuticle pusher, 3mm nail nipper and orange stick to clean under nails (with cotton wool) and small precision clippers
been browsing through the ss brochure as want to order some goodies, and am wondering if perhaps my tool kit is a little lacking? and if my clients wonder why i only have handful of tools .. do you think a i should perhaps order a precision probe, and precision curette .. think the later would look more professional than using orange sticks, i was never taught to use anything else and didnt really question it until i saw the array of tools available to manicurists.
i have been doing manis on and off for cpl years, was taught by a reputable company much respected on here ..
but the only tools i was taught to use were :
double ended cuticle pusher, 3mm nail nipper and orange stick to clean under nails (with cotton wool) and small precision clippers
been browsing through the ss brochure as want to order some goodies, and am wondering if perhaps my tool kit is a little lacking? and if my clients wonder why i only have handful of tools .. do you think a i should perhaps order a precision probe, and precision curette .. think the later would look more professional than using orange sticks, i was never taught to use anything else and didnt really question it until i saw the array of tools available to manicurists.

I LOVE the Precision Probe for removal of any excess cuticle around and just under the nail folds .. I prefer it to the curette (as it is sharper) but that is just personal opinion and taste.

I also like the double ended 'Pushie' or cuticle Chisel (whichever comes to hand first) for general work.

Over the years I have gathered quite an array of tools (as you do) and I change them from time to time for variety etc ... I do think every technician needs a couple of sets of tools to guarantee effective hygiene for all clients.
thank you geeg, will look at the precision probe you mention
sorry only just replying as laptop been on the blink
i guess good idea to invest in several sets of tools, specially as have now had cpl enquiries for pamper parties

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