Me banging on about bubbles again :-(


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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Hi all and thanks in advance, I am trying yet again to get my mix mojo back and it just isn't happening.

I have tried everything I can think of and followed Geeg's tutorial to the letter (or have I??!!) and it just isn't working, I have tried my Ultra Sculptor brush and my Pro Styler and can't seem to stop them.

I have a lot of bubbles in my bead when I am just making them and putting them on acetate, when I let them settle they don't disappear. They also don't go when I press the bead on the nail.

I did wonder if i had contaminated product, but have changed it and that doesn't seem to be the problem.

I have tried wetter (although I think I am working too wet) and then tried drier and the result is more bubbles and looks just plain wrong.

I am spreading the hairs of my brush in my monomer before hand and not dipping more than the darker tips of the hairs when i am picking up the liquid.

I am at a loss, any help would be gratefully received.

I have no issues with the other brand I use (have been using this until I can crack the problem) but i do have issues in other areas with the longevity of the enhancements as they seem to "age" a lot faster than CND.

Sorry for the long post.
When you say you are "spreading" the bristles of your brush, do you mean that you are pressing your brush all the way to the bottom of your dappen dish until all the bubbles come out of your brush and then slowly dragging the brush up the side of the dappen dish?
I agree it does sound as though the brush isn't being burped sufficiently before you proceed to pick up your bead.

When using Geeg's tutorials i have always found the best way is baby steps follow one instruction at a time and don't move on until you have got it ;)

Bubbles generally speaking are caused by incorrect mix ratio but this does sound more likely they are still in your brush .

Give it another go,like i said,baby steps lol and let us know how you get on. hth's
I am spreading the hairs of my brush in my monomer before hand and not dipping more than the darker tips of the hairs when i am picking up the liquid.

Do you mean the POWDER?? Surely you are dipping your whole brush in the Liquid and not just the tip? Dipping all the way in and then expelling excess liquid from the brush by dragging the hairs against the side of the dappen dish before picking up your powder?

Another thing you can try is tapping your powder pot on the table a couple of times before you start working, in case the powder has been agitated in the car or any other reason and picked up allot of air in it.

I'm a 'pot tapper'!! lol I always do it to keep the surface flat before picking up beads and of course it has the added benefit of expelling any air from between the powder spheres too.

I can't help but think you are worrying excessively or making it all too difficult. Getting the right mix with is so easy really why so many make such a drama of it with CND is beyond me (not saying you are but honestly it really is easy .. maybe relax a bit .. slow down ... give the powder time to pick up and enough liquid to pick up ) ... Don't forget that all nail products are full of millions of tiny tiny bubbles .. you just can't see them on the nail, but big ones are something we shouldn't see. I wish I had you in front of me for 5 minutes. :hug: That is probably all it would take to sort it.
I wish you did Geeg, i know i am doing something silly, i have used the product for several years without problems then bam! I am useless!!.

I always ensure i press the brush to the bottom and wiggle to get all the air out and do tap my pot to get a nice flat surface.

I "burp" my brush then wipe the brush up the side on both sides then again on one side then draw across the powder i am going to be extra thorough with my burping lol and see if that makes a difference at all.

Thanks girls will let you know how it goes.

Oh and when i go to pick up another bead do you submerge the brush again all the way? sorry if im being a little dense ... very long day :) x
I wish you did Geeg, i know i am doing something silly, i have used the product for several years without problems then bam! I am useless!!.

I always ensure i press the brush to the bottom and wiggle to get all the air out and do tap my pot to get a nice flat surface.

I "burp" my brush then wipe the brush up the side on both sides then again on one side then draw across the powder i am going to be extra thorough with my burping lol and see if that makes a difference at all.

Thanks girls will let you know how it goes.

Oh and when i go to pick up another bead do you submerge the brush again all the way? sorry if im being a little dense ... very long day :) x

One more thing .... :green:

There is a well known geek on here who used to have the same problem and did all the same things you are doing to stop it .. one day I had her in a class and watched her and between every bead she was vigorously wiping her brash back and forth several times on the gauze pad before dipping into the monomer again (practically drying he brush out) ... this fills your brush up with air again and there were load of bubbles in her work .... thank god I spotted what she was doing told her to stop it and just gently wipe her brush between beads and voila ... NO bubbles.

If you are wiping your brush between beads .. then watch carefully how you are doing it.
Do you mean the POWDER?? Surely you are dipping your whole brush in the Liquid and not just the tip? Dipping all the way in and then expelling excess liquid from the brush by dragging the hairs against the side of the dappen dish before picking up your powder?

Another thing you can try is tapping your powder pot on the table a couple of times before you start working, in case the powder has been agitated in the car or any other reason and picked up allot of air in it.

I'm a 'pot tapper'!! lol I always do it to keep the surface flat before picking up beads and of course it has the added benefit of expelling any air from between the powder spheres too.

I can't help but think you are worrying excessively or making it all too difficult. Getting the right mix with is so easy really why so many make such a drama of it with CND is beyond me (not saying you are but honestly it really is easy .. maybe relax a bit .. slow down ... give the powder time to pick up and enough liquid to pick up ) ... Don't forget that all nail products are full of millions of tiny tiny bubbles .. you just can't see them on the nail, but big ones are something we shouldn't see. I wish I had you in front of me for 5 minutes. :hug: That is probably all it would take to sort it.

Ha ha this made me laugh, as I thought I was the only POT TAPPER, I am very fussy and cant stand uneven powder when picking my bead up. xx
Well, I think I may have got somewhere, I have a LOT less bubbles after getting a new brush and sitting down and taking it slowly, I think you may have cracked it Geeg I am a wiper!! I've kept tabs on myself and the problem seems to have improved a lot.

Think I'm going to find my nearest training centre and get a one to one so someone can sort me out once and for all!! ....... either that or next flight out to Spain ?!?!?! lol cheers girlies xx
Well, I think I may have got somewhere, I have a LOT less bubbles after getting a new brush and sitting down and taking it slowly, I think you may have cracked it Geeg I am a wiper!! I've kept tabs on myself and the problem seems to have improved a lot.

Think I'm going to find my nearest training centre and get a one to one so someone can sort me out once and for all!! ....... either that or next flight out to Spain ?!?!?! lol cheers girlies xx

You know what?? I knew it. lol
Age has certrain compensations and one of them is the experiences I have had.

WIPE ONce on one side ond ONCE on the other just to flatten the brush if you HAVE to and NOT to spread out the hairs or even to remove all the liquid. ONCE you hear me????? lol NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bubbles.
Sorry to hi jack your thread ellewopter but what is
"burping your brush" ????
Sorry to hi jack your thread ellewopter but what is
"burping your brush" ????

I don't know why people call it that :rolleyes: but it simply refers to making sure before you start to work, that the brush is saturated completely with liquid by squeezing all the air out of it on the side of the dappen dish before you dip in again ( or by rotating the brush on the bottom of the dappen dish to realease all the air from between the bristles).
Ahhh good I do that, thank you geeg thought there was something I was missing there for a minute

H x
He He!!! I knew it was something that I was doing I just couldn't work out for the life of me what it was!! Knew you would see me right Geeg ta muchley.

I think the rest of my issues are down to not pressing the product properly as i have noticed that in zone 3 where I am being extra thorough I have no bubbles what do you think?? sorry to keep going on!!
Another thing that I picked up (I think from Nail Class) is once you put the bead onto the nail to give it a couple of seconds to "Relax". I found that by doing this and burping the brush that there were virtually no bubbles. HTH:)
Another thing that I picked up (I think from Nail Class) is once you put the bead onto the nail to give it a couple of seconds to "Relax". I found that by doing this and burping the brush that there were virtually no bubbles. HTH:)

There shouldnn't be 'virtually' no bubbles .. there should be no visible bubbles at all. :green:
LOL don't be too hard on me I'm still learning!! I only get the odd tiny bubble which you really have to look for and that is when I forget to do something like not let it relax or try to work it too much. Hopefully it will all become second nature and I will be able to talk to the client as well as do their nails!!:lol:
Just reading this thread. I'v only had bubbles once in my nails, that was because i was using my bead to wet (i think)
Pot tapping. I do it all the time, i was taught to on my cnd course. Think i'm abit obsessed (sp) with my powder being straight and no dips or drag lines, lol. I tap it after every use. lol
This is all I have now a couple of visible bubbles if you look really close, and as you may be able to tell im slightly obsessed with the issue lol.

An afternoon with a cuppa and Geeg's tutorial is in order again me thinks i WILL get this sorted :)

Do you think it could still be the wiping or patting rather than pressing that's causing the remaining ones??
This is all I have now a couple of visible bubbles if you look really close, and as you may be able to tell im slightly obsessed with the issue lol.

An afternoon with a cuppa and Geeg's tutorial is in order again me thinks i WILL get this sorted :)

Do you think it could still be the wiping or patting rather than pressing that's causing the remaining ones??

Slow down and simply press and nudge the bead into place .. patting quickly can be causing your troubles but glad they are much fewer .. now the goal is NONE.

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