Men and Enhancements


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Supporting breast cancer
Nov 22, 2004
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Spain Benalmadena
Since I did that one nail on my hubby sometime back he has been bugging me for a full set to be done, so I did, I'm gonna post a pic as soon as he gets in.
He is always moaning he has broke his own nail and they look a mess. Always asking if I can file this bit and that bit hee hee. So now he can keep them a lot longer now, they are all the same length with a natural looking free edge.
I will let you know when its on the gallery.
Anyone else done mens nails?
you might want to check what underwear he's got on???? are your stockings missing!??

LMAO only joking hun!
hehe. its great to see men are comfy to do these things!!
Stockings.......hee hee
He has started to be more interested in nails thugh.
Mmmm do I worry now? hee hee
I aint confessing nothing, but you cant be a nail tech if you dont know what it feels like!!!
I have learnt a lot about how to remove enhancements:o
i saw a few men with their nail enhancements on at the manchester Gmex show, painted and blinging with gems on!!!!!
i havedone a set on a man before, he played the gitar and wanted nails on to pluck. took them off tho when his nails grew underneath. i thought he was jokin at first but was real serious to have them on!
yep, ive done 3 men. my hubby initially when i was training, and then on subsequent occasions [as he is a struggling ex-nailbiter ] when he had important meetings etc. also did a fella who was a rather flamboyant fashion student. and a guy who was a nailbiter who was attending a very special occasion with his lady and wanted her to be proud of him. he also had a tan and an eyebrow shape. i also used to have a bloke who kept on coming in to get his done at a salon in town, but he smelled so bad of pi$$ and fags that i was always fully booked !
can't blame you for telling him you are fully booked, i had a man come in the once asking for a pedicure, he stunk so bad and i told him to go home and bathe!! disgusting.
bling nails said:
can't blame you for telling him you are fully booked, i had a man come in the once asking for a pedicure, he stunk so bad and i told him to go home and bathe!! disgusting.

Have 3 guys I do manicurs on. One of them is hubby, and a second year fashon student, who tells me the most outragous clubing stories and likes his nails finished in baby pink. By the by he's the best and most tastefully dressed student I've ever met.:)
Don't you find most men use face creams and shave their bits and bobs but don't admit to it, but they have skin just like us women that need to be cared for. So too for nails. But I think that a lot of men have the most gorgeous eye lashes us women would die for.
i saw a little boy today with the most GORGEOUS eyelashes!!!

is it just me that gets turned off men who have enhancements? no offence to you gals but i prefer my men to have men's hands! ...mmm... maybe it's that mechanic/fireman fetish i've got.... ho hum anyway, where was I? ... o yes, very nice love. shame they're on a bloke LOL
Toni Talons said:
i saw a little boy today with the most GORGEOUS eyelashes!!!

is it just me that gets turned off men who have enhancements? no offence to you gals but i prefer my men to have men's hands! ...mmm... maybe it's that mechanic/fireman fetish i've got.... ho hum anyway, where was I? ... o yes, very nice love. shame they're on a bloke LOL

i wouldnt wanna see girly nails on a man, but i would like enhancements that made a mans nails perfect. my brother has the natural nails to die for , my dads are lovely too especially since he has worked on a building site for 45 years.
No, sorry, I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!!

My dad is a brilliant guitarist and a nail biter! i think these men are secret closet trannies!!!!

still not convinced. its a bit like "cyclists", you know the type, the kind that shave their legs because they "get to work quicker" LOL

hardly tour-de-france coming to work is it?
this thread is making me larf (yes i'm one of those saddo's that larf's at my own jokes) and i haven't larfed for 2 weeks!!!
I'm also working on guitar players. They usually want only the thumb or 3 fingers. I'm applying gel + wraps, as heavy players break just gel after a few days and as they seem to prefer the "feeling" of gel over L+P.
i think they look great
Toni Talons said:
still not convinced. its a bit like "cyclists", you know the type, the kind that shave their legs because they "get to work quicker" LOL

hardly tour-de-france coming to work is it?

Faster because of the reduced "(h)air resistance" ... :D
Used to know a few cyclists and their excuse was that it kept the wounds cleaner when they came off !!

The way I figure the more people that have their nails done the more clients there are for everyone.


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